stock list

  1. Z

    50 Gallon Stocking

    Hello, I am looking at stocking my newest tank and would like some opinions on it. The tank is larger than 50 us gallons, however I have "removed" some gallons to take into account the hardscape. Actual — Length x width x height Inches — 69.69x12x15.75 cm — 177x30x40 approx...
  2. Tacocat

    Congo tetra compatibility

    Hello, I'm currently cycling my 45ish gallon planted tank and now I'm currently thinking of stocking plans and I'm hoping to have a centrepiece school of 6 congos. Do you guys think that this list would be viable to keep with this? Rainbow tetra/emperor tetras or other larger tetras Various...
  3. S

    Stocking a 72 Gallon Bow Front

    Hello! Looking for stocking opinions on my 72gal bow front as I've never stocked a tank this big before. I plan on having it heavily planted with lots of wood and rock caves. I know 100% that I want angelfish in this tank. My current thoughts are this... 2x Angelfish (Pair) 2x Bolivian Ram...
  4. D

    Stocking a 15gal tank. Your thoughts?

    Hi everyone. Im planning on aquascaping my first 15gal tank and was wondering what fish i could keep together. So far i was using Aqadviser to determine what fits and what doesnt but i know u shouldnt 100% trust these tools. I was wondering if u could take a look at what i got and tell me what...
  5. PlasticGalaxy

    Advice on Stock Redux

    So here I am, back again to ask about my stock. However, this time I'm asking before I plunge myself into the deep end and blindly start picking out fish for my tank. Overstocking has quickly become my greatest fear after one, quite frankly, rude reply I received concerning my stock (I'm a very...
  6. Falconwithaboxon


    So I had an idea to stock my new 45 gallon tank and wanted to know if I was over stocking my tank or of this was good or any other suggestions. 36 L x 12 W x 24 H are the dimensions and the tank is sand bottom with rocks, driftwood, and live plants (pretty heavily planted in certain sections...
  7. Captain holt

    Oscar stocking ideas

    Hey guys I’ve recently upgraded to an 8ft x 2ft tank for my two oscars and one fire mouth. Currently using two canister filters; 1800L p/h and 2200L p/h. Fine black gravel substrate and planted with blue stricta. I’m wanting a little advice on some stocking ideas. I was thinking a Senegal bichir...
  8. F

    Stocking 105L/27 Gallon Tank

    Hi, I have a planted tank that’s in the process of cycling so while I wait I’d like to know how many of each type of fish I can have in my aquarium. Please let me know how to adjust my numbers so that everyone has room and the bioload isn’t exceeded. I have the tetra ‘starter line’ 105L/27...
  9. L

    Help stocking first aquarium

    Hi all, I’m new to the hobby and have been doing a lot a of research. I have just set up my new aquarium and am currently running the first cycle. My question is with regards to what fish I can keep. I have 230l tank (picture attached). I am getting overwhelmed by the different types of fish...
  10. SteakNShrimp

    55g Tank Stocking list

    How’s this for a 55g tank? - 24 Tiger Barbs - 5 Denison’s - 1 Rainbow Shark - 3 Zebra loaches - 1 Dwarf Cichlid/German Blue Ram/Cockatoo Apistogramma (whichever I can find)
  11. SteakNShrimp

    Will these fish work well?

    I have a 55g tank with a few fish already in and I’m planning on adding more. I was wondering if my stocking ideas will work well. Please give me any suggestions and advice for my tank. I already have - 1 Rainbow Shark - 1 Rainbow Fish (Boesemani) - 1 Zebra Loach - 1 Male Marigold Swordtail -...
  12. F

    75 Gallon Stock

    Hello! Currently in a smaller tank I have a Convict, Electric Blue Acara, female Jack Dempsy, and an albino Senegal Bichir. They are all still very much juveniles as the bichir is only around 5 inches and the biggest of the cichlids is the convict at around 3 inches, but I wanted to get them...
  13. J

    Amazon Biotope?

    I think after a lot of help and research that I am going to make a Amazon River Biotope tank. My stock idea is Angelfish x1 Black Phantom Tetra x8 Guppies x4 Diamond Tetra x8 Does this sound ok? I do plan on having fake plants (real ones aren’t necessary are they), some driftwood. What would you...
  14. Jessman

    New tank, what to stock with rams?

    I’ve decided to go back to fish keeping after selling my 4 tanks two years ago. So I’ve just bought a new 160L tank (haven’t picked it up yet so don’t know the parameters or make/model but have been told it’s more than 1meter wide) and I’ve got a list of the fish I would like but need advice...
  15. L

    Potential Stocking List For 65l (17g)?

    Would it be OK to stock a 65 litre (17g) tank with: Honey Gourami x2 Guppy x3 Corydora x2 and a handful of shrimp or small school of tetras? I'm almost certain that this is overstocking, which is why I've come here for advice! I would use aqadvisor, but my tank is an odd shape, so it's a...
  16. L

    Spotted blue eye and forktail Rainbows

    Hello! New to the forum so forgive me if I do anything wrong posting wise. I have a 30 gallon tank and am so close to finishing a couple of stock ideas but I can't quite yet because I'm looking for top swimmers, I already have a few in mind but I've read conflicting info about the Rainbows. I...
  17. R

    60 gallon stocking? Help!?

    I recently got my 60 gallon tank and I’m not sure what to stock it with. I have 1 male and 1 female dwarf gourami who greatly need an upgrade from their 30 gallon tank. I would love to put them along with a red tail shark and possibly 2 more female dwarf gourami into the 60 gallon. I’d also like...
  18. B

    30 Gallon Stocking List

    I have bought a 32 gallon Bio-Cube with the protein skimmer, VorTech mp10 Power head and the Aqueon 150 watt heater. I plan on buying 25-30 pounds of dry live rock, and live sand. I also plan on putting quite a bit of coral. I have 2 fish I would like to put in but I am not sure on others. I am...
  19. C

    African Cichlid 195G, 750L Tank, Please help me Stock witch Suggestions

    I've gotten a new 200 gallon tank (heating, lighting, filtration, decor, the whole shebang); once it's cycled, I'd like to make it an African Cichlid community tank. Does anybody have any ideas for a good combination of African cichlids? "I´d love very bright and vibrant colors :) And how many...
  20. D

    Input For 75 Gallon Tank

    Just looking for a little input on a potential 75 gallon stock list. I recently upgraded from a 55 to a 75, with some fish already in the tank so I'm going to be waiting a few weeks before potentially adding any more fish no matter what. The 55 was set up with fish for about 3 months before...