
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. mmarx339

    Rainbow fish curved back

    Okay so to start. I had a 20 gallon tank that had 1 beta 2 cory cats and 1 turquoise rainbow fish. The tank sat that way from January ish to about a couple weeks ago. I then added 2 dwarf rainbows 2 boesemani rainbows and 2 more female betas. Everything seemed fine then I eventually noticed that...
  2. M

    Cichlid has twisted spine (attacked by cat)

    About a week ago, my new cat attacked my 8 year old cichlid. I always thought it was a red devil cichlid but now I am not sure because it is only about five inches long and I expected it to be bigger by now. It lays on it's side but it moves occasionally and has been eating. I have been dosing...
  3. W

    Aging Gourami

    I have a well-established, apparently healthy 10-year old, 10-gallon tank.  It's  well-planted and I change out a gallon every two weeks.  Current population is 2 4-year old black skirt tetras,  a corydora, a small plecostomus and an eight-year old blue gourami.  Until yesterday, the gourami...
  4. E

    Dead Female Guppy

    My female guppy was lying at the bottom of the the tank this morning. I put her into an isolation tank to see if she would feed but wouldn't. Her spine seemed to be curved, as if her tail was too heavy for her to swim and i noticed a red spot on her body towards her tail. One of my other females...
  5. tonjelunde

    Sick Baby Molly?

    So I've had my fish tank for about 6 months now, and my molly (who died about 3 weeks ago) had a lot of babies. There was one survivor and it's been fine til now. I noticed that it spent most of it's time just laying on the rock, barely moving. It breathes rapidly, and I feel like she's lost...
  6. F

    Zebra Danio With Curved Spine

    Hi All,   I've had a female zebra danio with a curved spine for about a year and half, The danio is fine apart from it's slightly hunch backed and quite fat looking, It eats fine, swims fine acts like nothing is wrong, I've heard this can happen from the amount of inbreeding in the species. My...
  7. E

    Guppies Dying Weekly, What Disease Is This?

    Hi everyone,   I'm just desperate for some help. I have a 60 liter guppy tank. Right now I have about seven adult guppies and some older fry. Slowly, about every week or two weeks one of my guppies dies the exact same way. It's only been females. They start looking very thin and emaciated, they...