south american

  1. J

    Andinoacara species inquiry (acaras and terrors)

    Hello I need to clear up a big question I've had for a while regarding the Andinocara genus of fish species. I need to know more information about blue acaras, electric blue acaras and green terrors which all look very similar sometimes with their blue and green glittery shimmer and seen and...
  2. HoldenOn

    Tank build time

    Hey all, I'm going to build a tank with my dad, custom. 150+ gallons. Was wondering what dimensions you all thought would be optimal, and any other hardware/material suggestions. Stock would be an oscar, some keyholes, and maybe a few firemouths. A green/red terror or dempesy would be nice if we...
  3. Guyb93

    Ever changing tank

    My last post was about my eba having there first fry , they did well it was there first eggs and they managed to have actual swimming fry , for a day .. my convicts over powered the mom and dad it was such a learning curve that certain members did warn me about my eba are fine they have a few...
  4. Guyb93

    Maybe an Oscar?

    Tomorrow I’m swapping my 4ft 65g to a 5ft 110g , currently stock 4 eba 2 convicts and a Sailfin pleco , could I add an Oscar ? From what iv read online my current stock would Work with an Oscar , I know they grow 30cm and by rule need a tank 6x length but surely 5x length and 500l would be...
  5. Tool13x

    South American tank stocking suggestions?

    I have a 30 gallon (36"x12"x18") I want to set up with South American fish. The main fish I want to eventually have in there are Apistogramma. They are very hard to find here but they they do turn up every now and then. Ideally Id like to have a harem (1m,3f) of Cacatuoides or Macmasteri...
  6. james_fish

    Corydoras - Waste levels?

    Hi all I will soon be offloading the 5 Oto's which I've had a month of so. Firstly, because they have done the job I initially got them for, but mainly because the physical waste they produce. Between them it's astonishing for such a small fish. I can't keep up vacuuming it out! Anyway i'm...
  7. hudsona85

    New Firemouth Cichlid!

    Went to my LFS and found this little guy/girl. Couldn't pass it up! Plan to put this one in the 75gal when I get it going!  
  8. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Silver Dollar Shoal With Geophagus?

       Hello everyone,         I have a 125 gallon south american biotope, It is currently stocked with one geophagus brasiliensis, three geophagus altifrons, and one acarichthtys heckelii. I want to add 5 silver dollars (Metynnis Hypsauchen). I know they are listed as peaceful but will they be too...
  9. james_fish

    3D Background

    Hi all,   I'm doing a little revamp of my tank and I'm interested in investing in a 3D background ,   Where's the best place to get one from, and what should I be looking at paying?? (£)    The dimensions will need to be 100cm(l) x 45cm(h). The tank will have South American Cichlids in it  ...
  10. L

    Freshwater Fish Documentary

    This is a documentary about fresh water fish from Venezuela, South America that i stumbled upon when trying to find Asian biotope videos. There is footage of numerous species including Cichlids, tetras, catfish and plecos as well as rays.   It has probably been posted on here before numerous...
  11. gizzmo3017

    Can Someone Help Me Identify What Kind Of Cichlid I Have?

    I purchased this cichlid a couple months ago along with some other cichlids (which all died except a very small fire mouth). Its a really neat fish that swims around and explores all the hiding spots I had for my African cichlids. It may have also killed my mollies
  12. FreshwaterAfishianado

    55 Gal. Sa Black(Ish) Water Tank (Pics)

    So I'm starting this journal a little late, the tank has been running a little while now but it has been slow going so I figured I would share what I've done so far.   The original plan was to do a biotope centered around the Lake Valencia Basin in Venezuela, which is the only lake in which wild...
  13. TallTree01

    Sa Vs A

    Me and several others have noticed that fish that originated in Asia are more active than south American. Does anyone have a clue WHY?
  14. eaglesaquarium

    110 Gallon South American Biotope

    Hello everyone!     I have never done a "journal" about a tank before, but I figured I might as well with this one.   2013-01-23 full tank by eaglesfan54, on Flickr     This tank is a South American biotype tank that a friend and I are pointing together at work.  He and I have been talking...