
  1. Auttie_Pie1

    Mini Snails??????

    I recently bought some duckweed from this guy and now I have these mini snails and I have no idea what they are. Can someone help me identify them and answer my few questions. I don't have a problem with snails but I've heard horror stories about them so I don't know if I want to risk my tank...
  2. StripySnailGirl04

    New Zebra Nerite Snail Eggs

    New Nerite Snail Eggs! There are a few more on the heater. They look fertilised because they are filled but won't hatch because the water isn't brackish. Credits to my snails Humbug or Cocoa Shadow for making these beautiful tank decorations...
  3. Zebra Nerite Snails

    Zebra Nerite Snails

    Multiple zebra nerite snails. Image credits: @StripySnailGirl04 (me)
  4. B

    What is this ?

    I got this snail a yesterday for my new heated 75 gallon and have not seen this before- is this poop? I’ve had snails in the past but it did not look like this. It has only a few ghost shrimp and a few other snails as of right now. Sorry for the bad picture my camera will not focus.
  5. K

    Fungus? And is Maracyn safe for Loaches and Snails?

    Hi, I have a 40 gallon freshwater tank with mollies, 3 dwarf gourami, mystery snails, cories, and a few kuhli loaches. I JUST transferred my gourami a few days ago after quarantining them as they're new. However I noticed that 2 of them have a bit of fungus (one on their tail fin and the other...
  6. L

    Algae problems, shrimp or snail or Cory catfish?

    I have a 56 litre tank. Within my tank I have 3 Electric Blue Rams,2 zebra danios, and 4 Serpae Tetras and one sparkling gourami. My tank has never had an over growth of algae it’s more on the hides and decorative pieces. They get a weird brown algae as well as my anubias barteri...
  7. S

    Help With Names!

    This is going to one of my more fun posts! I need help with finding names for my soon to be 5 guppys and 1 snail! I'm thinking of group names from TV shows, movies, books, etc. I will post a poll with some of my ideas and please vote for your favorite option! (There will be an option labeled...
  8. S

    Snails shells dissolving

    My nerite snails shells have been slowly been getting eaten away by my water. I have well water that comes in for my use and the fish tank is planted. I had been feeding them snailoo and I have a cuttlefish bone in the tank. I was wondering if this is enough to promote the regrowth of their...
  9. B

    Eggs on bogwood?

    Hi everyone, I'm starting my first ever tropical fish tank. Andin our current quarantine situation I'm limited to what I can order online. I ordered this piece of bogwood with java fern already attached to it. But it seems to be COVERED in these white spots which I can only assume are eggs...