snail plants

  1. S

    Random snail

    Random snail popped up in our small tank which has 1 red tail shark and 8 neon tetras. This tank it just does its thing we have another tank that has it’s good times and then random out breaks. But today noticed a snail in the smaller one. I’d say it’s got there from a plant. Wondering what kind...
  2. S

    Snail surprise in my tank

    I recently set up a tank. It has amazon sword, java fern and a plant that looks like cryptocotyne species. But now i started seeing snail's in my tank. I didn't put them in the tank. They just appeared. First there was one but now i see five. Since I have live plants in my tank so I am afraid...
  3. Aviici

    What Snail Is This?

    Hi, I've noticed there's a couple of these snails in my smaller planted tank - I'm not sure what type they are, and if they eat plants or not? Just saw the photograph of this little guy on another thread, he's exactly the same as the snails I have!       Edit: also, thought I'd mention I've...