snail help

  1. T

    Is my nerite snail dying?

    Just looking for some answers as to what my nerite is doing, i got 3 zebra nerites about a week ago and at first they were ridiculously hungry and ate the greenspot algae in my shrimp tank and after a few hours they just hunkered down and haven’t moved since, today i picked up one of my snails...
  2. T

    What is in my tank

    So I have an axolotl tank, with just Lucifer in. I have some Java fern, hornwort, a cave and then some driftwood with Java moss on. Oh an a moss ball. I have not added anything new to this tank at all in over a month or two, but suddenly today realised there are really small snails and some...
  3. V

    Snail death

    So, a snail in my dad's tank died. It's been there for at least a year, I don't remember. However exact age is unknown since it was a river snail. I think that most likely one of the other fish ate it, but he insists it was old age. I highly doubt that because that's his go to whenever...
  4. S

    Random snail

    Random snail popped up in our small tank which has 1 red tail shark and 8 neon tetras. This tank it just does its thing we have another tank that has it’s good times and then random out breaks. But today noticed a snail in the smaller one. I’d say it’s got there from a plant. Wondering what kind...
  5. C

    Possible shell problem?

    Hi All you lovely people, I have never had a snail before and although we have had our nerite snail for nearly 2 years there is an area on his shell I'm worried about. Does this look like his shell is damaged or a portion missing?? Not sure how to help, can I give him something to strengthen...
  6. carligraceee

    My tank has been overrun by snails... help!

    Hey you guys! So, my tank is home to several snails. I bought floating plants a month ago and I believe they brought pest snails with them. I am extremely upset and out of options when it comes to disposing of them. I seriously have an endless amount, 2-3 dozen of these guys and they just keep...
  7. S

    Mystery snail acting weird

    my snail (believe it is mystery snail) is not being active or suctioning to anything. I woke up this morning and found him floating in the tank, with his body out. He was still moving around. This afternoon he is on the bottom, still with his body out, still looks alive but I’m not sure. The...
  8. D

    Assaian snail dead?

    So I got an assassin snail a while ago and kept thinking it was dead because I didn't know they would hibernate. I went away for the weekend and he hasn't moved expect it kinda looks like he is out of shell? Ft Tony, hes an attention hog lmao