small aquarium

  1. C

    Help me stock my tank!

    Hey! I’ve got a heavily planted 15 gallon tank which currently has 4 guppies, 3 amano shrimp and two snails. What else should I put in there? I’ve been looking at small schooling fish like chilli rasboras and maybe a female Betta? Any ideas?
  2. B

    Chihiros light for nano tank

    Hey there! I wanted to ask if anybody here has used one of the chihiros C line lights. Like the C301, C361. They are quite cheap where I live and I don't have a big budget. If someone has used one of these, are they any good? I'm planning to add red plants to this tank as well.
  3. V

    Do you still have to cycle if adding all the water from other, established tank?

    My other tank could fill up my new small tank, would it still need cycling?
  4. bettafishlover86

    Broken fish tank need help ASAP!!!

    Hi, just a few months ago I got a top fin 5-gallon aquarium for my pet betta fish. Today, I got a crack in the bottom and had to put my betta fish, otocinclus cat, two neon tetras, and two ghost shrimp in a 3.5-gallon tank. On Christmas, I am getting a 29-gallon fish tank. WIll my fish make it...
  5. Falconwithaboxon

    Poor Goldfish

    This is my girlfriend's parent's tank. They have 4 comet goldfish in a 5 gallon. The tank has no lights. It has a filter and a bubbler. They keep it clean. They put a lot of work into the tank but I can't help but feel bad for them. They said I can take the fish but I don't have a big enough...
  6. PlasticGalaxy

    Planted Guppy Tank (54L)

    02.03.2021 Here goes nothing! This is my first project/undertaking involving fish. The plan is to have a planted tank with black sand as a substrate, dwarf hairgrass, amazon frogbit and possibly java fern for my guppies and corys to go in. For now, I'm still in the stage where I'm debating on a...
  7. A


    Hey everyone, I have had my beta Neptune for about 6 months now. He is in a 2.5 gallon tank with a small filter, water heater, and a couple sprouted pothos cuttings. The temp is consistently around 80 degrees. I change the water 50% twice a week and clean the tank every 2-3 weeks. I test the...
  8. bettaworldforbettas

    Petition Petco to raise Betta min tank size from 0.25 gal to 3 gal in their "Betta Care Sheet"

    Hi -- I started a petition for Petco to raise their recommended min aquarium size for Betta fish from 0.25 gal to 3 gal in their Betta Care Sheet. Right now when you grab a Betta care pamphlet in their store or look online, it says min: 1/4 gal! Here is the link...
  9. Bettapuppy

    Nitrate question

    Hi everybody, I have a 6.7 U.S. gallon tank with one half moon betta in it. I've had the tank for a little over two weeks and I added Concentrated Aquarium Bacteria before I added my fish (Tetra SafeStart Plus). I've tested my water peramiters twice and both times the ammonia, nitrite, and...
  10. Y

    Fish Recommendations For 26 Liters (7 Gallons) Tank

    The last two months, I’m the owner of a 26 liters (7 gallons) tank fully cycled containing one male guppy and 3 young neon tetras. The water temperature is constantly between 20-23 °C. Being interested to add some more fish (I like platies) without overcrowding the tank, I would like to ask for...