skinny molly

  1. Stefan3289

    Molly lethargic and losing weight

    Hello all, So I have a 29g tank and I’ve noticed the last few weeks one of my mollies has been getting lethargic and looks quite a bit skinner compared to the other lyretail mollies I have. It’s looked skinny since I got it but seems to be getting worse. She was eating fine but today when I...
  2. Mollyforever

    Finally got new mollies in cycled tank and i got questions

    I’ve been doing a fishless cycle for about a month and a half and I finally got three new mollies in the 20gallon tank! When I first put them in the tank ammonia was 0 the next day but I had nitrites fluctuating between 0.25 and 0.5. I did a big water change two days in a row and skipped a day...