
  1. B

    Guppy with mouth fungus

    Hello! I recently adopted a few female guppies. One of them, Cephia, is dealing with some fungus around her mouth. She is in a 1-gal hospital tank being treated with Kanaplex. Today is the 4th day. I gave the second dose yesterday. Yesterday she was looking great, back to eating, swimming...
  2. R

    Help, fish is sick, what do I do?

    I own an adopted Pterophyllum, it's about 2-3 y.o. A couple of days ago I noticed odd behaviour, it was more active than usual. Later some weird things started forming on it's head (see attachments). It's now much less active than usual and lost appetite. Also the straps are almost black, which...
  3. M

    Molly sickness

    Hi everyone all help is appreciated! We have had our tank set up and running for nearly a year, we have mollies platies and a couple of plecs, Recently we got a couple more mollies and brought with them some sickness, We've now had about 7 die in just over a week From looking at forums the...
  4. Kirysek

    Honey Gourami with weird underskin issue

    Hi all! Maybe anyone here would have any advice or seen anything similar... We bought 3 honey gourami from a local aquatic store. When we were buying them, a guy in a store changed one of them since he noticed white patch on its side. Rest of them looked good in the store. When at home, we put...
  5. E

    Advice for Treating Columnaris

    Background Info on Tank: 10 G (cycling since 5.7.22) 3F Molly 3(?) Yo-Yo Loach 2(?) Bristlenose Pleco Temp: 78-80˚F pH: ~7.8 Ammonia: ~*0 ppm; ~**0.5 ppm Nitrites: ~*0 ppm; ~**0 ppm Nitrates: ~*40 ppm; ~**30 ppm *: as of 6.18.22 **: as of 7.2.22 **Note: Im not a professional, just a new...
  6. K

    Guppy is sick don’t know what to do

    Hey guys! I’ve had my guppies for about half a year and one of them is just lying on the bottom looking weird, he’s been listless for a couple of days and it’s getting worse. He’s just chilling round the back under a log right now so I had to do some sort of fish tank yoga just to get my phone...
  7. H

    Major tank issue - sickness of some sort

    Ok, so I have one 55g freshwater display tank. Nitrate 20 Nitrite 0 Hardness 150 Chlorine 0 Alkalinity 100 pH 7.2 The above readings have been steady for at least 6 months. Tank mates are: 2 male guppies, 2 dwarf gourami -1 male 1-female, 4 nerite snails, and 9 Julii corydora catfish. A few...
  8. Bettagills

    White Growth on Betta - EMERGENCY - unsure of what it is

    Azora is a Halfmoon female betta fish of about a year old. She is energetic, happy, colorful, eats frequently and with no issue. About a month ago I noticed a small white dot (bump) growing above her right eye. I research and began treating her for a fungal issue using pimafix. After a week of...
  9. R

    White spot on the head of betta

    Hi all, Recently I've noticed a white indent has formed on the top of my Betta that wasn't there previously. At first I thought it was ick, but this seems like a scratch or wound of some sort. The Betta has been acting completely normal however and nothing seems to be wrong with the other fish...
  10. S

    Dying/Dead Juvenile Axolotyl

    I have had my pink axolotyl for a month. I never put him in his tank because the tank wasn’t fully cycled when we got him. So we have been keeping him in small quarantine containers since we got him. We have made 100% water changes once a day. We kept the tank around 62 degrees F. We fed him...
  11. S

    Moldy Betta

    I purchased a veil tail female today. When I got her I noticed her fins were a bit clamped( at least that’s what I thought. I’m not for sure that’s what it is) however there was nothing else that caught my eye as alarming. I took her home to place her into my heated/planted/cycled 10 gallon...
  12. T

    Sick Cherry Barb?

    I recently finished cycling my planted tank and last night I bought my first installment of fish, six cherry barbs. A few facts about the tank: 30g L Planted with Fluval substrate 2 sponge filters Cycled for 6 weeks Currently no ammonia, nitrite, or nitrates. Just to be safe, I added the...
  13. H

    Can a sick fish infect snails?

    I'm thinking of putting a snail or two in my second tank which I use to hold sick, injured, or pregnant fish. Is it fine to add some snails to clean up a bit even if I have a sick fish in there?
  14. M

    Fish keep dying

    I have had a tank for about a year now and I can't get my livebearers to stay alive. They keep getting sick even though ammonia, nitriate, and nitrite levels are 0. Temperature is 81 F and ph is 7.7, right where the mollies need it. The tank is 20 gal, I usually buy 4 or 5 fish at first. I have...
  15. B

    Betta stressed or sick?Need help!

    So,I've had my betta Eros for about a two weeks and he was in great health at the time.I made sure to clean his tank and decorations before placing them inside and I added conditioner to the tap water.I allowed the water to be filtered for about a week before getting him and dosed the water with...
  16. misshedge

    Guppy turning black... ish?

    My male fancy guppy (Slash) has been doing absolutely fine, and I've had him for about four weeks or so. Although, just recently, I've noticed a spot on the front of his dorsal fin that has turned solid black in the morning, and a more transparent grey in the evenings. It is also on a thin line...
  17. Thatg1r1

    Is my Goldfish sick?

    Hi everyone, My goldfish whose name is Ginger is acting odd! Sorry if you're having dinner but for the last few days Ginger has been releasing some rather strange poopies, mostly long and white until today and now its very clear and bubbly. I have attached a photo. His appetite is as big as...
  18. GobyMaster11276

    Goldfish Problems

    Hi everyone. Yesterday I went out and bought six goldfish (three shubunkins and three red capped orandas). Anyway, after I added them in, I noticed that one of the orandas was being seriously harassed by my old fish, and had a few bits of its tail missing. I decided I would separate it from the...
  19. B

    Major Fin Rot, Progressed To Severe Body Rot! Need Advice Asap

    This betta is in really bad shape, I've never seen a fish with fin rot this severe. So I got the fish a little over two weeks ago from a prof at my university who uses Betta in behavior studies. When I got him he was already missing about 50% of his fins from a previous bout of fin rot but the...
  20. S

    My Fishies Died :((((((

    About a month ago, I got a betta fish for my birthday named Jack. He was in a 1 gallon tank, and to be honest I didn't really clean it very often. But he was doing great! Then a couple of days ago, my brother came home and convinced me I needed to get a bigger tank. We went to Walmart. and while...