sick platy

  1. C

    Platy died, what was wrong?

  2. S

    platy fish twisting

    I have 5 platies in 25 litres, all levels are as they should be and 4 are happy and healthy. One has been at the top near the filter for about 4 days, the past 2 days he has not been eating and has spent a lot of time on the gravel or hiding in ornaments. Yesterday he took a turn for the worst...
  3. P

    Help! No idea what is wrong with Platy fish

    I have had my female platy Dora for about 3 months now. She was all good at first but over the last few weeks I’ve noticed her top fin looking weird, almost like it was going transparent. I’ve also noticed she’s very skinny (she’s a sunset so maybe just the type?) compared to my other females...
  4. carligraceee

    MALE PLATY SICK??? Please help...

    What is wrong with him? Dropsy? He’s been very lethargic for several days and now this is happening... he got bloated over night, is breathing heavily....
  5. K

    Sick platy

    My young platy has not been herself the past couple of weeks. No visible fungus or Ick or disease. She has been either near the top of the tank in the corner or at the bottom hiding in the plants. She has not come out to eat the past 2 days. Yesterday she had the shimmies but not today. She...
  6. K

    Male platy looks pregnant

    ok, so my male platy has developed this large stomach. Could he have a disease? He looks pregnant. I have enclosed pics although hard to take. Water conditions are good. He was being chased around the tank by a larger male but since I have gotten 2 more females & now the larger male is chasing 1...
  7. S


    Hi Guys :) Slightly concerned about my Platy. I’ve had her for a good two years now, and she seems fine at the moment, but have noticed her belly has recently gotten ‘bigger’. I moved her into my 200 litre tank 3 days ago. Her eating and swimming habits haven’t changed and her scales and gills...
  8. Seantheplatydaddy

    Male platy bent body and trouble breathing

    Tank size: 10 gallons pH: between 6.5 and 7.0 ammonia: unknown rn nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: 40 ppm kH: 80 ppm gH: 120 ppm tank temp: 78 F Fish Symptoms: I just put down a fish for swim bladder disease. Sam (the current sick fish) has been sick for a few weeks. I treated the tank with a parasite...