sick gourami

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  1. S


    Hi all! This is my dwarf Gourami, and he's been acting weird for about 2 weeks now. I gave him a pure Epsom salt bath with one a tablespoon of Epsom salt per gallon of the tank water about a week ago. It didn't do anything. I just pulled him out again to do another one and he's looking much...
  2. N

    Sick gourami with lump

    I noticed my dwarf gourami had grown this growth on the side of him and it almost looks as if the growth has a type of mold on it. I’ve had him for over a year and never had any issues. I checked the water and it’s perfect. I feel bad because he’s always breathing heavy. I was wondering if...
  3. A

    Advice please, is my dwarf gourami ill?

    Hi, I am hoping someone can offer me some advise. I have a 200 litre tank with some cardinal tetras, mollies and dwarf rainbow fish. All had been going fine untill a couple of days ago when I added two dwarf red gourami's. Initially one was very unfazed by the introduction the other went and...
  4. Jan Cavalieri

    Is this ICK or something else - no spots just patches

    I recently received an order from an online fish store that I've ordered from before and they breed nearly all their own stock. Huge variety of fish. Anyway - I ordered some Gourami and yesterday noticed silver patches around their mouth or eyes. I assumed it was ICK but then I looked at...
  5. Kate182

    Dwarf Gourami losing scales

    Hi all, I am fairly new to the fish hobby and I have noticed that one of my Dwarf Gourami seems to have scales missing on their head. What could be causing this? I don't think they are being bullied because the tank is very peaceful (2 x dwarf gourami, 2 x albino corydora, 6 x neon tetra, 6 x...
  6. K

    Sick dwarf gourami

    I am new to gourami fish. I have a community tank of livebearers and it was recommended I try some dwarf gourami. I have a 36 gal bow front with filter off the back (came with tank). I am fairly new to fish (tank was cycled the end of May 2019). My water is changed 50% every week - 1.5 weeks...
  7. Jan Cavalieri

    Bladder Disease??? in a Dwarf Gourami HELP!

    I have a beautiful powder blue dwarf Gourami - one of the first fish I ever bought that recently was experiencing bladder disease starting about 4 weeks ago. I first noticed after a couple of weeks that she NEVER went to the top of the tank, she just sat on the bottom - so for anybody that...
  8. T

    Sick (Possibly Beaten Up) Dwarf Gourami

    Hey everybody, so yesterday me and my girlfriend were walking around in wal-mart when I decided I'd pop in to take a look at the fish since I was grabbing some food anyways. We saw a group of dwarf gourami in a tank, which I thought was unusual so I took a look. I found one who was kind of...
  9. M


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