sick betta

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  1. GGI

    Betta not eating!

    I don’t know what to do but my very fish is not eating he is starting to stay on the bottom of the tank. Please help.
  2. H

    Betta looks bloated and not moving or eating???

    Had this Betta for a few weeks, we saw it in the shop and my wife loved it, she’s not usually interested in my animals, so I bought it, and put it in a 160l tank I had already running until my smaller tank was cycled, in the 160 the betta was active and seemed healthy, but the leopard danios I...
  3. C

    Help! Fin rot or ill betta?

    Hello! I have had my betta for about 4 months, which I rescued from some pretty neglectful conditions (half gallon plastic bowl, no heater or filter, single sharp plastic plant, filthy water). I set him up in a heated an filtered 10 gal right away with 2 hides and a silk plant. The first pic was...
  4. A

    Rescued SICK Betta From Petsmart, SOS!!!

    Drogon, my newest rescue from the hands of the worst pet store, has been under the weather, so to speak, but I CAN’T FOR THE LIFE OF ME FIGURE OUT WHAT THE CAUSE IS. I couldn’t see any obvious symptoms on him, he just laid around the bottom of the tank, or on a plant. When he would swim around...
  5. V

    He didn't make it...

    I suspect my betta had pretty bad fin rot, since part of his fin was falling off. I gave him medication (don't remember what it was called) There was specific instructions to leave the filter flowing. During the treatment, the initial damaged fin came off and another part of his fin came off...
  6. lynhagan

    Lump underneath dropsy?

    My betta (who I have posted about before for recurring problems) has just developed a very swollen stomach. I thought at first it was constipation so didn't feed him for a day or two but it's looking very big now. He is lethargic but still eating. Can someone take a look at the photo? I'll...
  7. R

    New Betta fish in bad condition

    I was at Petco earlier and stopped by the betta shelves and noticed one of them seemed especially sickly. Seeing her in such a sorry state tugged at my heartstrings a bit so I bought her in the hopes that I could help her or just give her a nice place to rest in her final days. I’m trying to...
  8. T

    My Betta is sick, help!

    I had my female betta, Sunshine, in a 10 gallon with 4 Rosies (that pink feeder fish) and a small algae eater(unsure of breed).my tank is heated and filtered. I came to find 2 dead Rosies and a dead algae eater the other day. I removed the filter and exchanged 1/4 of the water. I have a well...
  9. M

    Betta has been dying for months, I’ve tried everything.

    My betta was sick when I bought him about three months ago but I got him into a heated, filtered tank and his condition improved drastically. He was doing just fine for about two weeks and then it all went to hell. Out of no where his color began to fade again, he began clamping his dorsal fin...
  10. F

    Help my Betta fish is not acting right

    My Betta fish that I got from PetSmart a year ago is starting to act kinda funny, he stays at the bottom of the tank, not moving, and is oriented at an angle. When I put my finger near the glass of the tank (where he can see it) he darts around the tank and goes up to the top of the tank (for...
  11. M

    Fish Sick. Possibly graphite??

    Early this morning I noticed that my betta fish had a grey streak going across the side of his body that was not there before. My fish was also laying on the bottom of the tank at one point breathing very heavily. From research I have done it looks like it could possibly be graphite but I am not...
  12. metropolis93fan

    Have a very sick betta

    I'm going to say this first: I am cycling a new tank for the sick fish. I tried to talk my mom out of its current tank to no avail! Finally, she decided to give him to me. I was determined Okay. So scenario. In January I got MY betta for 5 gallon tank. My mom saw one she loved but didn't want...
  13. omega59

    Betta With White Lump

    My male Betta has this lump on it's top side I'm not sure what it is. I tried Pima Fix for body fungus i did 2 rounds and its still there. I also just recently started adding aquarium salt each water change, as suggested by my LFS. Can someone help me with this and what to do. I live in Canada...
  14. I

    *EMERGENCY* Please help my sick Betta

    Hello, A few weeks ago my betta started to act weird. He didn't eat from the surface as he used to, so I had to drop the food down for him. Now He doesn't even want to eat that. He randomly lays weirdly on the plants and stays in its cave without moving for hours (He is always hanging at the...
  15. M

    Female betta behind filter

    Hey guys, My female betta has started hiding behind the filter at the top of the water. I’ve checked my parameters and all are good! I’ve had her since January and never had any issues or sickness. I can’t see any damage on her so I’m a bit confused as to why she seems to be lethargic. I’ve...
  16. lynhagan

    Fin rot or damaged/growing fin?

    I have a Betta fish whose fins look a bit raggedy. I thought he had fin rot before and dosed with Aquarium salt and bought but did not use meds. I'm new to this and had some problems with water hardness which now looks resolved. He eats and blows bubble nests. My parameters are nitrite 0...
  17. katienewbettakeeper

    New betta fish, white discoloration

    I got this fish yesterday from petco, he had raggedy fins that indicated fin rot and a very sad expression, and he won me over so I brought him home. noticed this white spot on the drive home, not sure what it is. fungal infection, tumor, scar? He’s very sluggish and stays at the bottom unless...
  18. F

    Fin rot, lethargyc behaviour, fish stays at the top of the tank. I need help.

    Hello everyone, hope you're all having a great day. I'll start by writing about my tank setup: Housing: How many gallons is your tank? 5gal Does it have a filter? yes, sponge. Does it have a heater? no What temperature is your tank? 80F stable (live in tropics) Does your tank have an air stone...
  19. Y

    Betta fish SUDDENLY losing color

    I’ve had this betta for maybe 3-4 years now. I kept him in a betta bowl for most his life unfortunately. He was always healthy and made frequent bubble nests. After moving him to a 5 gallon with perfect parameters and weekly water changes he got sick. His bones poked out of his back fins and I...
  20. SAJin

    Fungus on my betta?

    This grey mark showed up on my betta months ago and I thought he had burned himself on the heater since he figured out how to rest on top of the suction cup, but now I think it's changed shape and I'm concerned. I want to check with more experienced people before putting in treatment for it...
  21. lynhagan

    Sick betta advice needed

    I bought a betta two weeks ago and put in a 10 gallon fluval flex 34 l (filled to 30l with a filter sponge) tank that I had cycled with Seachem stability and Dennerle. He was very small, a bit pale and I put a few plants and a catappa leaf in there with Seachem monitoring system. HIs dorsal fin...
  22. L

    Betta fish is sick

    Hi everyone, I’m new to owning a betta and he isn’t doing too well. We’ve had him over a month but the last week he’s getting worse and worse. I’ve checked the levels in his water and they’re fine but I’ve also made sure to do regular water changes incase. He has been spending more time at the...
  23. M


    Hello So this morning I was checking on my baby bettas that I bred myself and one had a long and CLEAR tendril coming out of it. The tendril isn’t moving so I assumed it is not a worm/parasite. It’s similar to a fish bone almost. I will attach a picture, it is hard to photograph it but you can...
  24. A

    Sick betta, aquarium cycling

    TLDR: Female betta with visible ich for 4 days (4 maximum spots and 1 current spot) is breath fast and has lowered activity. Is it possible a secondary disease and if so, what could it be? Our family is trying to set up a sorority betta tank and have not been having any luck getting the tank...
  25. M

    Sick betta

    Can anyone help me with my sick betta. Has been loosing color just wants to sit in corners up top
  26. S

    Received Betta for White Elephant, Noob at Fish Keeping, Fish seems Sick! SOS!

    Hello everyone! I've been very stressed about my Betta, Dobby, I received him for a white elephant gift and I'm determined to be a good fish dad! Everything is new, tank, heater, lights, plants, filter, etc. Dobby won't eat and is hanging at the top of the time and is very lethargic! Took a...
  27. bettafishlover86

    Is my betta sick?

    There are weird marks in my bettas gills and black spots on his tail.
  28. bekahr

    Betta's head is decaying and turning white

    Hello! I'm not sure if this is the correct place to put this, so please let me know if I should move to a different part of the forum :) About a month ago my betta Mickey came down with what I thought was ich, so I treated him consistently with Ich-x and did water changes and all that. The white...
  29. Bettta

    Sick Betta, White Spots- Fin rot???

    Hello! I have a double tail betta fish who has developed light spots on his fins, and his fins look very torn up. When I first noticed the fins starting to look jagged, I took all the silk plants out, and replaced them with live ones. There’s nothing sharp in the tank. The spots have been on his...
  30. A

    Betta Fish is Sick... Help please!

    Hello, I have had my betta fish for about a month now and since I have gotten him he has been very active and happy. I have him in a 5 gallon tank with live plants, drift wood, and clay slates. I have adjusted the water flow so its not too strong, do weekly water changes about 30% of the...
  31. Honey Fish

    SOS betta sick I think HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    betta fish laying on bottom of tank all levels seem to be ok no signs of illness ammonia was a bit high added ammonia lowering treatment thing seems to raise ammonia is alive gills moving I KNOW THE TANK IS WAY TO SMALL HE IS MY 76 year old dads his a terrible 1.6 gallon please help already...
  32. S

    Sick betta need help identifying illness

    Hi I’m the worst at making decisions. Can someone please tell me what they think my betta has. He is floating sideways on the top.
  33. C

    Sick Betta

    I came home and my betta was at the bottom of his tank, not moving much and laying on his side. I changed his water two days ago, but he seemed fine earlier. I have moved him to a cup with new treated water and he is moving a bit more. Though he seems to swim to the top for a bit, then sink to...
  34. cmhassinger

    Sick betta?

    So I have this little female betta I had only a few weeks. I noticed the other day her belly is getting big. I only fed every other day and when I do she hardly eats that much so I know she isn’t just fat. Today while doing a tank clean I’ve noticed she doesn’t have as much energy has she used...
  35. R

    Betta with fin rot and signs of dropsy?

    Hi everyone, I have had a betta fish since February with no problems, he lives with 3 African Dwarf Frogs and there are no issues with his tank mates. I went away back to university for 10 days and (did my usual 25-50% water change before I left) when I came back he was hiding in one corner of...
  36. jessicarf00

    betta ich? - might be resolved ?

    just tonight i noticed a speck on my betta that i assume is ich. i normally wouldn’t be so freaked out but i leave for a 6 day vacation on thursday so i know i can’t do much between now and then. i have somebody lined up to feed him but i have no medications and i can’t rely on this person to...
  37. Smallzzy505

    Is Cami ok?):

    Anyone know what could be wrong with my poor Cambria? I’ve had her for over 3 years, bought her when she had bad fin and tail rot. Recently she’s had white specs on her body that looked like her fins were “flaking” off, I thought it was Ich, or columnaris so ive used melafix and fungus cure, but...
  38. danajs

    What could be wrong with my Betta?

    Hi all, My tank is fully cycled, with ammonia 0.0, nitrite 0.0 and pH 7-8. Temperature is 26. I change about 20-25% of the water every week, using Tetra AquaSafe and Tetra SafeStart. The tank is planted with Anubias, Java Fern, Java Moss, Staurogyne Repens, Vallisneria Torta and RotaIa...
  39. Mistymercer

    Is my Betta sick/depressed or sleeping?!?!!

    I can ramble so I'll try and keep it to the point best I can. This is also my very first aquarium and fish I've EVER taken care of. About 6 months ago a friend of mine bought a Male betta (blue and orange). It was from petsmart, no idea the age. Then she put him in 1g tank for 3-5 days before...
  40. B

    Help with Betta Fish!!

    I just got a new beta from a pet store a few days ago and I noticed he was pooping this white stringy stuff. Does anyone know what it is???