sick aquarium

  1. Luna Aware Wolf

    Fish TB?? Fluke?? Any help or advice would be so appreciated 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Hello, Thank you ever so much for taking a look at this thread and my fish! I appreciate it ever so much. I have a 120l Lido Juwel tank, with 15 Diamond Tetra (that have been happily breeding for the last two years), a 17 year old Bristlenose Pleco, 5 Amano shrimp and 2 Ottos. I absolutely...
  2. T

    Amazon Puffers Erratic Swimming

    Hello, I am new to this hobby and have recently been experiencing trouble keeping my three amazon puffers happy and healthy. Recently, my 30-gallon tank with three amazon puffers and 4 neon tetras has been infected with ich a month ago due to a new fish being introduced (without separating it...
  3. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    My fish keep dieing in my 250 litter aquarium, it started off as cotton mouth, on one of my sword tails, then my guppys had white fungus on there body, I have been treating this tank for over 2 months now an nothing is working, water conditions are perfect, pics of 2 guppys that have it today...
  4. S

    The best brand for fungus medicine that won’t kill my elephant snails???

    My fish recently had a bit of a stress with a water change after I left my tank a little too long before cleaning. My water is perfect but I think it stressed them out a bit. One of my endler guppies appears to have tail rot from what I can determine and a couple of my glow light tetras have a...
  5. K

    Sick Neon Tetra! I’m a beginner and I need advice

    I had 7 neon Tetras for about a month. About a week ago one passed very suddenly. He was fine till an hour before and his only issue was swimming weird. Now another is sick and I can’t figure out what it is. It’s only swimming strange and it’s eyes seem bigger then the others, so maybe popeye...
  6. B


    My fish keep dying randomly I have been doing this along time and never had this problem. Some fish show signs like just sitting in one place and others hide. Some of them are fine and the next day dead. I have a lot of plants not a lot of dead leaves I have tested the water though it is not...
  7. C

    HELP!! My blue dwarf gourami looks like he has dirt all over him and his fins

    hi there! One of my blue dwarf gouramis is looking VERY weird. He literally looks like some one just threw dirt all over him and his fins. I shared some pictures of him in this post as well. His fins are also very odd right now and kind of look like fin rot but fin rot doesn't have any side...
  8. T

    Something is very wrong in my tank

    Ok. This gon be long. I tried to get good pictures, but fish b fish ukno I've had 5 (6, but one died already from whatever it is that's wrong) female guppies since january. I bought them online from a good seller. They came healthy (and preggo :D), totally fine these past few months. They were...
  9. H

    something is wrong with my aquarium plz help

    Hi everyone! So I am pretty new to the whole aquarium thing. I was given a 10 Gallon one as a gift. When I got it, there were 5 platyfish in there. All happy and cool. Shortly after, one of them died, but the rest were doing completely fine. I let the tank sit for 2 weeks before adding 4 more...
  10. kitta98


    I think I may have brought a disease into my tank. Ever since I last added my 5 female guppies I have had 5 guppies for two male and three female, and a molly in one tank and recently I think I somehow contaminated my betta tank causing one of my before very healthy bright looking betta to die...
  11. kitta98

    Sick aquarium lots of death

    I have had my tank for about 5 months now. It was my first tank and it took some tries to get it right with temperatures and cycling but in the end my tank is now presumably perfect. I do have a problem with quarantine in that I didn’t quarantine any of my fish. I think my tank now has some sort...
  12. A

    Angelfish with white streaks on find and body?

    My angel is acting normal and eating, swimming good. She's got some white streaks on her fins and on on her body they are becoming more prominent! Help!
  13. B

    Betta sorority mystery illness

    Hello all, I've recently set up a new betta sorority in a 29 gallon aquarium. The original set up was just plastic plants and some small caves for hiding but I've recently added live plants and driftwood along with new substrate to aide in the plant growth. This is right around where all the...
  14. S

    Help! To Many Fish Dying And They All Have Different Symptoms!

    Hi there, I am new to this forum and looking for some help as the employees at my local petstore just keeping pointing me to buy things. This is my first tank, and have learned tons but obviously have a lot more to learn. I have had my tank set up for about 5 months. Within the first 2 months...