sick angelfish

  1. G

    Ich on my angel fish? Advice appreciated

    Hey everyone! I need some help figuring out whats wrong with my angel fish. I just noticed several white bumps on only one side of my fish. It sounds gross, but they almost look like zits that have pus coming out of them? I’m worried that it might be ich. I’m unfamiliar with the parasite, but I...
  2. A

    Please Fish Doctors Help Urgent

    I have this breeding pair for some months now. All was good until I noticed they stopped eating. They don't eat for a week now. I tried everything. Im sure they are sick because they just sit on the bottom of the tank, they poop white poop all day long and color is down. Also sunken belly or...
  3. NatCardiff88

    Help!! Angel fish has a small hole increasing in size rapidly!!

    Hi There Can anyone help with me with my angel fish please? She has holes in her abdomen and has a poor appetite. About 3weeks ago she began hiding and not eating. I was unsure what was wrong so started wit Melafix no improvement. Then one of my discus also stopped eating. I treated tank...
  4. B

    Sick angelfish - any advice welcome!

    Hi. I have a sick angelfish. I came home yesterday and I noticed he had a gash in his head. I did some research and I think it may be an abscess? He lives in an aquarium with other peaceful fish and another (female) angelfish. Both angelfish sometimes chase each other around the tank and they...
  5. abegonzalez0221

    Angelfish all swimming at the top, need help

    Hi, I recently bought three angels for my 55 gallon two weeks ago, but three days ago they all started swimming at the top and I noticed the black one started developing some sort of white mucus (see picture below). They are all eating fine and go crazy for the bloodworms and pellets i give...
  6. I

    Possible Illness w/ Angelfish

    Hello! I currently own a 20-gallon tank: 0-0.5ppm Ammonia, 7.5pH, always kept at 79 degrees. I purchased the angelfish about 3-4 weeks ago along with some dwarf chain loaches. I feed them once every day, with a day-long fasting period once a week. I was away from home for about 24 hours and...
  7. SarahMarie

    Angelfish with lump on stomach

    Hi everyone, I've just noticed a lump on my Angel's stomach. We've had her for around 5 years now and shes never had any problems before. Shes in a 350l tank which is fully cycled. Also have done a 40% water change today and cleaned filter sponges (in tank water) just last week. No new fish...
  8. Alexis Hopper

    string of feces hanging, swollen stomach on my angelfish!

    I got my angelfish a little under 2 weeks ago. He’s in a 10 gallon tank with heater, filter, gravel and fake plants. This morning I noticed his abdomen was swollen and he had a red string of feces coming from his bladder. He is still swimming around like he normally does (not sluggish) but I am...