
  1. A

    Shy fish?

    Is it possible for a fish to be shy? My variated platy lives in a 30l biorb with another platy, a zebra Danio and a black moor. It spends most of its time hiding either in the central coral or in the substrate at the bottom. The other fish are swimming about quite happily, so I don' think it's...
  2. chrisdenyer

    change in molly behaviour

    Hi guys, I wonder if anyone can tell me if they've noticed mollies becoming more shy, and whether it might be a sign of anything bad? I doubt there's anything wrong, my mollies are behaving perfectly normally (as far as I can tell) when I watch them from across the room but recently they've...
  3. A

    Fiveband Barbs Hide In The Plants

    Hi,   I have five fiveband barbs (two females and three males) and during the day they hide in the plants. They don't swim much, or at all. I read on the internet that they need dim light to feel comfortable, and when I turn off 2 of the 3 lights, they come out. Problem is; that light is nowhere...
  4. N

    New Tank Help

    My first tropical fish 20 gallon tank and has been running for a week. I am an amateur that has done a lot of research but can't find solutions to the following problems: Just added 4 zebra danios and 2 panda cory's Now for the questions: 1. I have gravel. Researched that it can damage the...