shrimp copper

  1. S

    New planted tank - what fertilisers/foods are shrimp safe?

    Hi all, I am setting up a new 180l tank and am going for my first ever planted aquarium. I have laid out Prodibio AquaGrowth Soil on the base of the tank, and then a layer of Prodibio AquaShrimp Powder Soil which was recommended. I have purchased a selection of plants from my local aquarium...
  2. S

    Shrimps and metals

    Hello again, I have decided to be decorative with the idea of taking metal wires and making a wire tree, then adding to it some moss so it looks like a tree in an aquarium. I am aware shrimps don't like copper, can anyone advise is it poisonous to put copper metal in their tank or is it only...