
  1. N

    Is this safe to use in tank

    Hi guys so I’m relatively new to the hobby. I’ve a fully planted tank but they just do no seem to be growing. I have a gravel substrate and and currently using root tabs. I’m wondering if a liquid fertiliser might boost things. Wondering is this would be safe for my tropical tank for my...
  2. Thebobcats

    What type of algae/fungus is this?

    My shrimp have been sick and I want to know if this is hurting them or if they just arent keeping up with it.
  3. L

    Algae problems, shrimp or snail or Cory catfish?

    I have a 56 litre tank. Within my tank I have 3 Electric Blue Rams,2 zebra danios, and 4 Serpae Tetras and one sparkling gourami. My tank has never had an over growth of algae it’s more on the hides and decorative pieces. They get a weird brown algae as well as my anubias barteri...