
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. J

    Tiger barb male or female?

    Any idea if these are female or male?
  2. danajs

    Sexing Honey Gouramis

    Hi all 👋🏻 I picked up 3 Honey Gouramis (sold as ‘Gold Honey Gourami’) over the weekend. I was hoping someone could tell me whether I have males or females or a mix, as the guy in the shop was pretty clueless. Thank you 🐠
  3. M

    German blue ram sexing

    Hey all, just wondering if you guys can help identify the gender of the smaller ram? My LFS couldn’t tell me. He/she may still develop more colour as he’s not long been in the tank but I’m hoping it’s a boy 😀 But of argy bargy going on here but they’ll accept each other soon enough I’m sure :)...
  4. yzaylakeepsfish

    Sexing Corydoras with picture

    Can someone tell me which are male and female Corys? Thanks in advance. Pictures in attachments.
  5. GothFishKeeper

    Molly Sex Change??

    Hey guys! So I’m a bit concerned/confused about my gold nugget molly named July. I got her about 6 weeks ago, and then about a week later I got a male Lyretail molly (named Ember). July was most definitely a female up until today, as you can see from the first picture of her. Ember definitely...
  6. atarah

    Help sexing angels

    Can someone please help me sex these two? Not the best pictures as they are quite skittish. I’m thinking white is male and black is female just based on how round they are and forehead look but I have no idea. They are still small about 5cm of body (no fins). White was being bullied in the...
  7. H

    New to TFF

    Good morning, I've had tropical fish off and on for over 60 years. At present I have a 55 gallon tank, fairly heavily planted, with the following: 1 old bristlenose plecos and two younger ones 4 Siamese algae eaters 3 little bronze corys (C. aeneus) 5 diamond tetras 4 yoyo loaches and a...
  8. I

    Honey gourami gender and behaviour enquiry

    We have just added 2 honey gouramis to our 65 litre tank. We are new to fish keeping. Can anyone tell me if they are male or female? I have attached pictures They have pretty much constantly been following each other around and tapping each other with their ventral fins since introducing over...
  9. J

    Issues sexing German Blue Rams

    Hey everyone, Just wondering if I can get some help sexing my 2 new rams. I’ve been looking up online how to sex them but one of them I am stuggling with. I think the latter one is a female however the first one appears to have traits of both male and female rams so I’m struggling to identify...
  10. D

    Are these both males?

    At first I thought because the one had more color it meant male but I'm sure. Thank you!
  11. J

    Concerned About the Sex Ratio of Two Blue Rams

    Hello all, I've been keeping an aquarium for about a year now and so far, things have been going pretty well! But recently I splurged on a new tank setup and, after cycling was complete, decided to fill it with a bunch of neon tetras and a pair of blue rams. The local fish store (which has...
  12. D

    Keyhole sex?

    I'm pretty confident I got a pair (I watched them for an hour to make sure they were bonded and wouldn't kill eachotger before I got them) and I've had them for a few months and I just wanted to double check :) tank is cloudy because I redid the tank including adding some new sand
  13. T

    Sexing German Rams

    I have a gold and a blue variant. Here are the pictures. I apologize for not getting a picture of the full dorsal fin, but he only let loose when facing me. The blue ram is new and getting bullied so I can't get better pictures. Thanks for the help!
  14. Kelseyghardin125

    Sexxing my Lyretail Molly

    Hello again! Can someone identify if this is male or female lyretail creamsicle Molly? I have a make Dalmatian Molly in my tank also and know that the Dalmatian Molly is a male. He constantly is chasing my lyretail and rubbing his nose on the lyretail’s belly like an attempt to mate or...
  15. G

    Honey Gourami Not Eating!

    Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate <10 pH 7.3 gH 200 ppm Chlorine 0 29gal, moderately planted, gravel bottom with 15 cardinal tetras, multiple cherry shrimp, a clown pleco and three honey gourami (2 red). I do a 25% water change every week, water temp is 76F. A week ago I got two red honey gourami...
  16. S

    Help me identify Doug:)

    So I bought this flowerhorn from ebay earlier this year. Personally I think it's a female but the eBay ad said it was male. Does Doug have poor genetics or is he a different type of FH as it also said he's supposed to be a super red dragon FH, but he has little to no red. Much appreciation in...
  17. Dephea

    Bristlenose pleco - male or female?

    I was looking for a female BNP. I already have a boy so when I went to LFS I specifically asked for a girl. We found a BNP wit no whiskers on the head so I assumed it was a girl and the guy in the shop assured me it was indeed a female. I have her/him for roughly a month now living with my other...
  18. C

    Bristlenose female or male?

    Hi, I did post about this bristlenose a couple of weeks ago. I had a hunch it was male when bought as female. Since a couple of weeks ago, his/her bristles have grown even more. And grown on his/her head - which by my understanding would mean it was male but I’m no expert so wanted to check to...
  19. C

    Bristlenose female or male?

    Hi, Please could I have some help sexing my bristlenose? He/She is around 8cm. It was bought as a female blue eyed bristlenose but with the bristles I’m a bit concerned that she is a he. Sorry for the terrible photos. If you need more in different angles please just let me know. Thanks in...
  20. B

    Help me sex these fish

    I have a JD and a green terror coukd you help me sex them i think the jd is a male but im not sure
  21. C

    Is my Bristlenose a male or female?

    Hi, I was just wondering whether my pleco is a male or female please? I always believed him to be a male but it never really mattered as I only had him but now I’m considering getting him/her a friend. Thanks
  22. M

    Sexing GBR's

    Picked up a pair of GBR's and was wondering if anyone else can confirm the sex of them. I did spend some time taking a look at both of them and think I have both a male and female. The supposed female holds the back of the tank and they both seem to get into a "fight" when they see each other...
  23. W.R

    Another Help! what sex are my honey gourami! Post

    Heya! so I've got three honey gourami, one male? in sunset colours who's starting to show some black on the cheeks, one wild coloured variant lady?? who I got from a really renowned fish store but who is now starting to show a black nose to anal fin and white dorsal, is she a he?? and another...
  24. H

    Yet another molly sexing question

    I know it's been asked plenty of times about mollies, but my lyretails seem to be a bit harder to tell, just because with the cases of heavy inbreeding I'm not sure if it's a deformity or just a very pronounced gonopodium. Also, I cleared the algea right after this picture. They just get too...
  25. E

    Is this guppy male or female?

    I'm new to tropical fishkeeping! Recently added some guppies to my tank which I were told were male but I am starting to think the black one is female? Mainly because lack of colour, shorter tail and rounder body compared to the others. Just wondered if anyone could clarify through the photos...
  26. pkenziep

    Sexing young guppies?

    Hello! I’m sure this is a very common question, but I was hoping someone could help my ID the sexes of my guppies. I rescued a “Noah’s ark” assortment of tons of fish and that included two young guppies. I’ve kept them in a nursery box because they were so small and plan on releasing them into...
  27. Guyb93

    Sexing Jack Dempsey

    I have moved my One of my Jack Dempsey into a tank on his own as it is just not the same size as my others and after a recent ram casualty iv moves him into his own 3ft 35g tank I have two and wonder if I have a breeding pair so he could have a tank mate ? Can any body sex these I thought two...
  28. C

    Confusion, is my swordtail a swordtail and is it male or female?

    Hi All, I’m new to this so go easy on me! Last week I bought 3 female swordtails to go with my current male swordtail. Unfortunately 2 died and this is the last one however I am super confused. It has a gonopodium, suggesting it is a male however it doesn’t have a long sword. It’s rather large...
  29. F

    Help identifying male guppies

    Hello, I’m unsure if these red tuxedo x guppies are male, they’re a few months old but exhibit signs of both sex: As you can see they have stripes on their body and what looks like gonopodiums that they move around (left, right, tucked) as they swim. It’s also hard to see the gravid spot because...
  30. BettaChel

    Help me Gender my Cory Cats!

    Hello all! I’m relatively new to fish keeping but I love it so much! I got some new corys yesterday and I was wondering if anyone could help to identify their sexes if possible! Here are the two Juliis. I think the one in the back is female and the one in front male? (guessing! lol) Here’s...
  31. Meg0000

    Female paradise fish?

    So I got a paradise fish 2 weeks ago and I tough it was a male and now I am not sure because I think I saw him lay eggs. If the PF is a female, is she gonna be happy alone? One last question, are they picky at food because I got her/him fluval bug bite for small to medium sized tropical fish...
  32. B

    German Blue Ram Sexing help.

    Hey guys, recently gotten back into the hobby after a few years of absence. School work etc... Anyways I have purchased a single German Blue Ram. and i want to get it a mate in attempts of breeding. Pretty sure this one is a female. Would appreciate if someone could confirm or tell me otherwise...
  33. J

    Trying to sex Apistos

    I’ve had this pair of apistogramma cacatuoides for a couple months And I’m starting to doubt my assessment of their gender. I got them from Petco and they sell them as assorted. I assumed that the one with all of the orange and black was male and the pale one with the black ventral fins was...
  34. S

    Honduran Red Points x Convicts

    Hi all! I'm new to cichlids and am looking for any information on the Honduran Red Point/Convict cross. I bought six juvie HRPs after hearing they are a less aggressive convict type, later realizing that most if not all fish sold as HRPs are crossed with convicts somewhere down the line...
  35. E

    Sexing GBRs

    Hi, does this look like a male and female?
  36. K

    Sexing my pea puffer

    Hi, I am new to pea puffers and am having trouble sexing my puffer. From what I’ve heard females tend to have less spots but this one seems to have a rounder belly. Could someone please help sexing it? Attached is links to images and to the folder they’re in in my drive...
  37. M

    African Dwarf Frog Sexing?

    hey! I’m new to dwarf frogs and trying to figure out the genders I’ve got! Photos with a blue 1 on them I think are a boy. Purple 2 I’m hoping is a female. Let me know if I need better photos! Yes I know the frog is in a weird spot in one of the photos, it’s still getting used to the tank and is...
  38. D

    Can someone help me identify the sex of my fish please??

    Hi, I'm very new to the tropical fish hobby and at the moment I have a Gourami, Balloon Molly, Swordtail and Molly, they've all been together for about 1 week. Yesterday we noticed lots of fry in the tank, but we completely missed the birthing process and realised we have no idea of the gender...
  39. milogen

    Help! 2 sunset platys, one might be preg?

    I recently got 2 sunset platys and I originally thought they were both boys. Especially since the bigger one chased the littler one around a lot (it doesnt do that anymore though, for some reason. Maybe they worked it out?). But after some research apparently, the girls have rounder, fan-shaped...
  40. K

    My Angelfish are bullies

    About two weeks ago i got 2 Angelfish juviniles off my friend who is a breeder here in NZ (about 3 months old from fry to know). I also have another 4-5month old Marbled Angel in my tank so they all not to big. I have a few questions, one is considerably smaller than the other two and just...