
  1. D

    Type of Severum

    Hi all, new to keeping cichlids as just bought a tank of someone and it came with about 12 little cichlids with a green severum and a catfish. Just a coupe questions so does anyone know how to tell a male green severum from female? Also, these little cichlids are all from the same spawn but two...
  2. Jax0311

    Added Driftwood To Tank Now Ph Is Out Of Control

    Hi everyone! I have a 55gal tank it has 3 jevie sev's 3 jevie silver dollars and a med chocolate pleco. all of my levels were great until i added a couple small pieces of driftwood at which point my pH went from 6.2 to 8.4!! My babies are all still doing good but I know that this is too high of...