seeding media

  1. N

    New 10 gal--seeking cycle advice!

    Hi there! Please read the entire post to get necessary info to help you answer my questions! Thank you! I currently have 2 cycled 5 gallons housing one Betta and 3 ghost shrimp each. I successfully did a fish-in cycle in both (luckily) but with my second Betta the nitrite level stressed him...
  2. twintanks

    Seeding new filter with current media

    I am shortly going to be setting up a new 5-foot (1.5m) 360 litre coldwater tank for my old goldfish and a few weather-loaches. They will be moving from their 180 litre tank, and I plan to use some of the media from their Fluval 206 filter to seed the new, larger 406 Fluval. Now, normally I...