scissortail rasbora

  1. connorlindeman

    I feel like a idiot

    Yesterday I went to my lfs and picked up three scissor tail rasbora. The guy at the store said they wouldnt get much larger then the 2 inches they are already are and said they would be fine with the two guppies that are already in the 20 g tank. Just looked at them on the web and it says they...
  2. joliee

    Am I Overstocking?

    Hi I'm kind of new to this so bear with me haha. So I was thinking of getting a 10 gallon tank and putting 5 scissortail rasboras (I heard they were schooling fish and that I needed to get at least 5), 2 cory catfish (again, I heard they liked to be with each other), 1 dwarf gourami, and 1...
  3. R

    Scissortail rasbora

    hi I am wondering if anyone can help me Have recently set up a 54litre tropical tank. Tank was running empty for 3/4 days before adding fish. I have added 5 scissortail rasboras as my ‘starting fish’. The first 2 days they were absolutely fine, seemed very happy and were eating (fed every other...
  4. BelldandyShanny

    Fin Nippers?

    are scissortail rasboras known to be fin nippers? Or are they just picking on a weak fish? one of my female guppies has it's tail missing completely.  I just saw one nip it, but previously I've seen one of my shrimp swim up and grab the same fish so she could be ill, she did have a prolapsed...