Hi all, I am fairly new to the fish hobby and I have noticed that one of my Dwarf Gourami seems to have scales missing on their head. What could be causing this?
I don't think they are being bullied because the tank is very peaceful (2 x dwarf gourami, 2 x albino corydora, 6 x neon tetra, 6 x...
Hello everyone. Can anyone help me here please.
Today i noticed that after, a bit more than a year, and everything has been fine, one of my Corys have something on the side, almost like if he scratched with something or crashed with something and got hurt. But im not sure how something like this...
Hey guys,
So I have three pregnant guppies, and one of them is a very pale, irridescent yellow, and so her gravid spot isn't really grey or black, it's more like a translucent peachy colour. She was slowly getting bigger and bigger until one morning I wake up, and she's huge! So now the scales...
I was holding the bucket as I had to use a smaller length of tube to siphon the water due to my father placing my regular tube elsewhere. As you can imagine, holding a bucket with one hand when it's quickly filling with water isn't a good idea, so I was shouting for my mother to quickly come and...
Hi everyone!
I just joined this forum in the hopes that someone could help me. Before the story, you'll probably want some info. Here's the stats:
29 Gallon
KH: 20
PH: 7
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
I siphon every few days, and do a 10% water change every week. A tablespoon of aquarium salt is added...