save sick fish.

  1. N

    Dwarf acara/smiling acara laying on its side

    Recently i bought four dwarf acaras/smiling acaras and after i put them into the tank they went hiding as any new fish does.I made sure to properly 'prepare" them to water and temperature before adding them.Day later i see all of them alive but one started to act weird.He (the only male of this...
  2. snowflake311

    I Thought My Severum Was A Goner.

    I have had my 100gal set up for 3 years now I think. I have my pet a male green Severum that I got as a 1" baby that had ich. He is almost 5 years old 8" big now. He has always been healthy and active he would rule the tank. Last month I thought I was going to lose him. He was acting shy and...