saltwater fish

  1. I

    Planning a tank with seahorses!!!(dwarf probably)

    Hello everyone. I have a plan for a dwarf sea horse tank but I just want other people's thoughts on this to make sure it's good! So, I would want a fluval Evo, 5 gallons. I would probably have 12-16 dwarf seahorses as I read you can have 4 per gallon and I want to go easy since I'm just starting...
  2. Joe@KMC

    Catching tropical marine fish: Why you need to know where your pet fish is coming from

  3. H

    New Saltwater Fish Owner

    Hey guys, this is the first time posting here. Im here to talk about my soon to be salt water aquarium and I am excited ! A little bit nervous but very excited on what to come. I have been doing a lot of research online. But of course there is nothing better than asking professionals like in the...