rosy barbs

  1. G

    Pink Zebra Danios with Rosy Barbs ?

    (Dont mind my bad English) I have 7 Rosy barbs in my 40gal tank who are 1.5 - 2.5 inches in sizes. They were living with a gourami(3 spot). The gourami have grown way too big so I've given her back to the fish store. I saw there some beautiful pink zebra danios and was very tempted to buy those...
  2. G

    Betta Compatibility for 40 gallons tank

    I got 7 rosy barbs in a 40 gallon all of them are of 2-3inchs in size with a 3 spot gourami. The issue is that 3 spot has grown too large so I am thinking of replacing it with a betta(male). My Rosy barbs have never nipped the fins of the gourami and 40gal seems right for this many fish. The...
  3. E

    Rosy barb breeding

    Okay so I have 4 females and one male in a tank and I’ve been trying to look for breeding online there isn’t any helpful advice 1. What do rosy barbs eggs look like? 2.where do they lay them? 3.does the female lay the eggs straight after she’s mated ? 4.what does it mean having the water few...
  4. Barry Tetra

    Help! Rosy barbs twitching and sitting on the bottom of the tank

    I have 3 rosy barbs and 3 swordtails in the tank (I know...I dont have any tank left for swordtail its all begins with Fish store mis leading) rightnow 2 of them are fat (seems to be bloated) and twitching then sitting on the bottom of the tank, I use Metronidazole and aquarium salt. Water...
  5. Barry Tetra

    Rosy barb stress to death

    I just bought new female rosy barbs for my male weeks ago, and the male losing color and stress to death, Tank; 6 rosy barbs 2 males 4 females. What should I do, Buy more? Tank is 25 gal.
  6. Barry Tetra

    Rosy barb colour fade

    Is this normal color for them? I feel like the color is fading. Water params: ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate about 7. @Byron @Colin_T @Russjw