rosy barb

  1. ella777

    Colder water for guppies?

    I have 5 guppies and they are living in a 70l tank. I have a 200l already set up, with no fish in it. I have done lots of tests and the water is exactly the same as the 70l (uk). The guppies are currently living with 3 rosy barbs (rehoming them soon). I didn't realise rosys were so aggressive...
  2. ella777

    Anyone know how to stop breeding?

    Hello! How can I house 6 rosy barbs without them breeding? I already have 1 male and 2 young females and I'm getting 3 more soon. The male has been chasing the females around quite a bit and I don't know if he's trying to breed or make friends. I definitely don't want them breeding. Apparently...
  3. ella777

    Why is my rosy barb glass surfing?

    Hello! My male rosy barb (Jeff) has lived in a 70l tank for almost three years. I brought him home with two friends. They seemed happy together, but then they died (cant remember how). This was about one or two years ago and Jeff seemed happy by himself. (There were other fish in the tank just...