
  1. P

    Will rope fish dig up plants?

    Will rope fish dig up specifically planted aquarium plants?
  2. M

    Rope fish Tankmates!?

    I plan to get a 75 Gallon tank in the FAR future, but I am absolutely determined to get rope fish for the tank. However, despite being peaceful, these guys like their midnight snacks, so small tankmates are out of the question. Could I get some suggestions for tank mates? I'd like 1xBig Fish+X...
  3. E

    What fish should go with my Senegal Bichir?

    I am currently planning to stock a 90 gallon tank. It is currently completely empty, and filtration isn’t a problem, because I am willing to add more if needed. I am planning to put a Senegal bichir, but I don’t know what other fish should go in as well. I am interested in ropefish and Congo...
  4. Ellphea

    Considering adding a fish

    I currently have a well established 55gal stocked with the following: 1 ropefish/reedfish 3 bronze cories 3 sterbai cories 1 pearl gourami 1 gold gourami 1 upside down catfish I was wondering if I could safely add another fish species, preferably something colorful and active to liven up the...
  5. T

    Ropefish Will Not Eat!

    My new ropefish will not eat, it's been about a week. He is alone for now, looking for more friends. I've tried feeding him wafers, mealworms, freeze dried blood worms, ham, recently dead fish. He's about 10'' long, need help!