
  1. Flinkbag

    Re-stocking a 4ft community tank

    Hi all! I'm doing water changes twice a week on my 4ft tank because I have a 18cm+ Green Severum Cichlid who causes nitrates to spike like nothing else. So needless to say he will be re-homed, and possibly my 3 clown loaches, to help with this issue. I'm considering getting dwarf american...
  2. cooledwhip

    Would This Restock Plan Work?

    I have a 20 long, fully cycled aquascape. Here is a pic of the layout:   I currently have 3 panda platies, 3 guppies, 6 endlers livebearers, (3 male 3 female) 3 dwarf neon rainbowfish, a bunch of shrimp, 2 blue mystery snails, an albino bristlenose pleco. The reason...