reed fish

  1. R

    Reed fish/rope fish in brackish

    Has anyone kept reed fish in brackish water? I keep finding mixed ideas, I would love to keep a couple Reed fish in a brackish tank with some mudskipper. Any thoughts?
  2. C

    Rope fish having issues.

    Hello all! So before we get going.. All water parameters are normal. It’s a black water tank, not as planted as we’d like just yet but doing great so far. We added two rope fish a week ago and they haven’t taken to eating just yet. The big one (the one in question here) ate an earth room and...
  3. A

    reed fish turning into axolotl?? HELP PLEEEEASE

    Gouda morning everyone! so i bought 2 rope/reed fish (Erpetoichthys calabaricus) a couple of months ago. one is about 4 inch and the other is about 3. I have a 60 gallon with some tetras, gudgeon gobys, dwarf neons, sword tail, rainbow shark, and catfish. I keep up on water changes every week...
  4. Ellphea

    Considering adding a fish

    I currently have a well established 55gal stocked with the following: 1 ropefish/reedfish 3 bronze cories 3 sterbai cories 1 pearl gourami 1 gold gourami 1 upside down catfish I was wondering if I could safely add another fish species, preferably something colorful and active to liven up the...