red belly

  1. wfykitty

    Red Gill and stomach on the poor platy, please help.

    The platy is usually black and white, since 3 days ago, he is not active and not really eat. And started to have red-gill, also the red bloody spot near abdominal part. He just hide recently and mouth moves constantly. And Another platy also have the similar symptoms before, and died very...
  2. H

    any ideas to cause of death? Pregnant female guppy was found with a red belly on the side it was lying on.

    tank parameters are normal except for low KH: 40 ppm *Have not tested for ammonia, but I don't think that's the issue.* The day before she died, the only male guppy in my tank also passed away. There were no visible clues so I automatically assumed old age as the cause. There are only 2 other...
  3. R

    Need to re home my Red Belly Pacu

    Hey there I’m new to the site. So i bought a Red Belly Pacu about 4 months ago and needless to say i should have done my homework. I have a 45 gallon take and it’s growing fast. I willing to give it away or donate it. I’m in Stockbridge Georgia. Can anyone lead me in the right direction?
  4. Ruby011

    Bronze Cory, red-ish belly, normal?

    Hi, so I'm pretty new to keeping fish. I've had my Bronze Cody cats for about 2 months now. (3) and I have 2 panda cory cats in the same tank (6 months) with a stray albino cory cat. I noticed that the Bronze corys have pinkish, redish bellies, whereas the others don't. Is it normal for them...
  5. twintanks

    Catfish Died...what's Best For The Other?

    Oh dear....following my recent post of a happy trio of catfish, I switched on the tank yesterday to find the smallest one had died in the night. This morning, I found the second spotted one also dead. This leaves the largest, as yet unidentified, fish, on his own. Both dead fish had no outward...
  6. S

    Corydoras With White Slimed Thin Film And Red Belly

    I have one corydoras has been covered with white thin films for weeks., some lesions. Then, red belly developed. I have 55 gallon and other fish, some scaleless, who are/were till medications. Despite all these skin lesion, the Cory appears to be active and have healthy appetite. I started...
  7. E


        got a fish for christmas what is it????