
  1. andreisdabest

    Red Cherry Shrimp with eggs??

    So i have 2 or 3 red cherry shrimps that have these yellow things under their tails that look like eggs. I have had shrimp breed in here before and the shrimp that have eggs now are the children of the shrimp that bred here before. (I can tell because they are slightly stripy) Photos -andre
  2. R

    15g ember tetras darios betta?

    Hi All, I have a 15g tank that has 4 dario dario (I believe 2 male 2 female based on their behavior and coloration), 8 ember tetras a mystery snail and some RCS. Its been cycled and established for months now and so far everything is good. Its heavily planted with driftwood, floating plants...
  3. eatyourpeas

    Dear Diary...

    It all started with a shrimp I needed as a model to draw from. Then the shrimp needed friends. But there was also this snail... Then I learned that the 1.5 gal. flower vase was too small. Then I learned that I needed a heater, and plants. Then my plant grew, and grew, and grew... so I got...
  4. Circus

    Odd Colored RCS

    I have been trying to catch a pic of this little shrimp for a couple of weeks, and it was finally out in the open. All of the other Red Cherry Shrimp in this 10 gallon tank have normal coloration of various shades. What do you guys think could be the cause of this?
  5. Too Many Hobbies

    Shrimp Infestation

    Trying out video upload via youtube pretty happy to get a lot of shrimp fries after waiting since October.
  6. Zolanski

    Oxygen problem in my 20 gallon?

    Hey Guys! I have a 20 gallon tank with 7 neon tetras, and I recently decided to add some red cherries into the tank. All was well, until I noticed once morning when I woke up that all my tetras were gasping at the surface of the water and the red cherries were hanging on the filter as close to...
  7. N

    What are these yellow things in my tank?

    Im not sure where to put this thread please move it if you want I'm not sure what these are at first I thought that my RCS dropped eggs but her eggs are still in her satchel, I don't know what else it could be I have mts rabbit snails , a Betta and Cory's there are two lots of them
  8. H

    55G Aquarium Stocking

    Hi everyone,   I'm new to this forum and the hobby itself :fish1:. We recently got a 4ft 55g tank and am currently aquascaping it.    I did a run on an online stocking calculator to check the compatibility and stuff for the fish I wanted. The results are as below, My Tank: 48inch x 14.5inch x 18...
  9. B

    Red Cherry Shrimp Not Breeding

    I have five red cherry shrimp, two males and three females. I have had these guys for 2-3 months. I have never seen a female carry any eggs. I see them all the time, so I am not sure whats up.   Any suggestions? 
  10. Ch4rlie

    10 Gallon Endler & Shrimp Tank

    Thought I would do a thread about my 10 Gallon / 40 litre tank.   I plan to put in Black Bar Endlers, Red Cherry Shrimps and Assassin Snails.   Would like to get this tank done quickly and cheaply as possible    First off is my ClearsSeal tank i bought from eBay for the sum of £12.50, an...
  11. BelldandyShanny


    well I did it, I took the plunge and ordered myself some fire red cherry shrimp, and I'm so looking forward to having the little critters!
  12. Ch4rlie

    Pimafix, What Is It And Is It Safe With Shrimps?

    Hello all   Have a query about the med, Pimafix.   What is Pimafix exactly and what does it do?  Have bought a bottle of this and information is vague at best on the label. Read on other sites Pimafix and Melafix is basically just tea extracts, plausible I think. I already use Rooibos tea in my...