
  1. Aoife_AJ

    Tank mate suggestions?

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this question, i'm not new to fish keeping, but I'm very new to keeping my own fish tank and species other than goldfish. My family has had goldfish for 15 years or thereabouts, so since I was 4, and currently we have a 13 year old and 3 year old goldfish...
  2. N

    FREE snails available, ramshorns primarily, several hundred

    Large collection of Ramshorns snails available to collect for FREE. Breaking down two tanks. They are eel fed and looked after. There are several hundred, if included the incredibly small ones probably several thousand. I’m based in maidstone in Kent They are available to anyone willing...
  3. RCA

    Snails *ready Now* Mts Plus Others...

    Livestock: Snails galore, mainly MTS plus others e.g. Ramshorn, pond like snails... Quantity: Lots estimate 40-50+ Delivery or Collection: Either Sales price: Swap for a new, sealed, large tub of Tetra Pro Colour Postage & Packaging: Covered in the above swap Location: East Yorks Payment...
  4. Mamashack

    Ramshorn Snails As Assassin Snail Food - Have I Made A Mistake?

    I currently have 2 tanks: 1x30L with a male betta, an assassin snail and 3 amano shrimp 1x60L with platy population, 2 assassin snails and 4 amano shrimp. I got the assassins to clear up an influx of hitchhiker common snails. They seem to have got rid of those and I was concerned that they had...
  5. T

    Can You Give Them A Home? Cheshire

    Hello, i have joined up in the hope that i can find someone who would be interested in offering a home to my purple/blue fighter, rosy barb, 2 neon tetras, and 2 cory cat fish. I also have a large number of Ramshorn snails.   All of the fish are a year or two old, i only have a few as i down...