
  1. DuchessNeeka

    Chili Rasbora question

    Does anyone have a general timeframe on how long it takes chili rasboras to get their colour back after shipping? I've had them for a week now, they have a bit of orange back but are still on the slightly pale side. I'm feeding them bbs, new life spectrum and Ultra Fresh micron shrimp patties...
  2. V

    What did you wish you knew about fishkeeping earlier?

  3. N

    Dwarf Snakeheads Guide?

    Need some help on this fish(channa sp. redfin)snakehead, can they be housed with tankmates? Water temp? Feed? What substrate is best for them?
  4. Circus

    Skunk corydoras?

    So I saw skunk corydoras for the first time at my LFS. They were priced at $7 each and looked pretty adorable. What size tank would I need for these guys, and would they school okay with pepper corydoras? From what I have read, my water hardness (110 ppm) would be fine for them, and they...
  5. Circus

    Powehead GPH for Tank Sizes

    So, I was made an offer for discounted equipment in exchange for reviews by a recently started aquarium equipment that is pretty close to me (geographically). I have never used a powered to add water movement, as I usually use air stones and air pumps instead. How many gallons per hour for...
  6. carligraceee

    Size for black goldfish

    Hello guys! I want to, eventually, sell my 11g for a 29g. I want to stock it with however many black goldfish would fit inside. You know, the ones with the really big eyes?? I used to have one as a child and I want another sooo bad. Of course- I would wait until my current fish children...
  7. Circus

    Large Tank Remodel & Questions

    So I have some general questions about fixing up an old tank I recently acquired. 1st question. It looks like the previous owner took out the central support, leaving the tank with the risk of bowing. I have been doing some reading and it looks like I can actually order a custom from for it...
  8. B

    Head-and-Tail-Tetra Behavior: Circling

    Hello all, I have a few questions about head-and-tail-light tetra behavior. I used to have 3 of these tetras in my planted 10 gallon glass aquarium with intentions to get more once I transfer them into my 30 gallon that I have not yet started to cycle... there are only 2 left- the two bigger...
  9. T

    Lots of Aquatic Plant Questions

    Hi, I'm planning to start my first planted aquarium but I have alot of questions even after doing a week of research. I wanna make sure to do this right, so if anyone could answer some of these questions that would be great! 1. What hardy beginner plants can I tie on wood and rocks? Is there...
  10. lazarusthefishboy10

    Want some tips and tricks on raising platy fry! Check this out!

    Hello, everyone. I just posted this youtube video in the morning and it's all about raising your platy fry! Please subscribe, because I make a lot of content JUST LIKE THIS! Enjoy!:D:fish: Click the link bellow: raising platy fry youtube video
  11. fisharecool789

    food for angelfish?

    what is some good food for angelfish? for now all i’ve got for them is the standard tetra tropical flakes, they also eat the freeze dried blood worms (i feed my betta those as well) and i crush up some API freshwater pellets because they’re too big for them to handle whole. preferably...
  12. fisharecool789

    bottom feeders for gravel substrate?

    currently my 30 gallon has fertilizing dirt on the bottom, then a layer of black sand, and a layer of gravel on top. i was wondering if i could get any sort of bottom dweller for my tank ? everything that has been recommended to me so far and everything i have found online (cory catfish...
  13. fisharecool789

    questions ! (sorority tank, betta fish & angel fish? & more betta questions)

    first off, i am not sure if i’m posting to the right topic ! the simply “betta” topic is unavailable rn for some reason. jojo (my betta) always swims along the glass (it’s reflective so she said swimming around with her reflection) and i want to know if that’s normal. i can’t tell if she’s...
  14. Ingrid

    Dormant fish

    I am a novice and just wondering do fish sleep and if so how ? Thanks for you replies
  15. JMuth

    A lot of questions; New Tank size, outdoors, rehoming and more

    So I’ll start with the main questions I’m looking for answers for: 1) How big of a tank should I get and how can I stock it? (I have some fish already in desperate need of an upgrade) 2) How should I rehome my goldfish? (There’s a few options and a lot of questions) 3) How do I work with weight...
  16. fisharecool789

    am i stocking too heavy? and questions about bottom feeders for a 10 gallon????

    hey everyone! i’m really new to the fish hobby (got my tank on the 13th & cycled for 2 weeks before adding 4 guppy fries), i have a 10 gallon tank, i am planning on doing medium levels of planting (a few of the plants that look like grass and a bunch of bushels of guppy grass & maybe a few other...
  17. Fishguy13

    Questions about keeping betta

    Hello all, I have seen many amazing pictures of betta on here and now I am looking to get some, and I just had a few questions. I am actually hoping to breed them do you recommend that to a person who has been keeping fish for a bit over a year? and can you keep shrimp with or will they be eaten?
  18. C

    New, looking for tips

    Hi, I'm new to fish keeping and am looking for any tips and advice anyone can give. The plan is to keep tropical fish, in a 90L tank starting small and gradually introducing more. Is there anything I definitely should or should not do starting off? Any information is appreciated. I have done a...
  19. A

    Guppy at the Bottom of Tank

    Hello, I have a female blue Fancy Guppy that has been staying at the bottom of the right side of the tank for most of the day. I understand that this is not normal behavior for a Guppy. She isn’t breathing heavily or have a bulged stomach. She does swim up to eat (like normal). And every now and...
  20. E

    What can I put in a 60 gallon tank?

    I have a 60 gallon tank with a marine land filter and it is freshwater tank, I also have 3 columbian tetras, and 2 dwarf gourami Do you have any suggestions for fishes I can keep for this tank that are compatible with those fishes
  21. Aeroase

    Stocking Questions!

    Hi! I have a 10gal tank with 4 false julii’s, a dwarf gourami, and an otocinculus (i know they do better in groups, i just haven’t found a shop to get some from that aren’t half dead in the store). The tank is heavily planted and fully cycled! The fish that are in there are doing good. My...
  22. MortisiaDowler

    New to Fish Cycling- Please Help

    Hello everyone! Well I have a few questions as my husband messed up really bad. While I was on holiday he wanted to surprise me with an aquarium. He went to Pets At Home and bought a 30L Biorb Tube. They advised him from the pet shop to fill it up and add the Water Conditioner and the...
  23. M

    General Questions

    I have had fish for about 2 years and they usually all died after 6 months. I always got 5 livebearers at a time for a 20 gal tank. Whenever I clean it out, there is a bunch of poop and particles that rise from within the rocks, however my ammonia levels have remained at 0, as well as basically...
  24. Waterfins

    Good Light Fixtures For A 75 Gallon Planted Aquarium?

    I plan to start a 75 gallon planted aquarium, does anyone know a good brand of aquarium lights to use for it? Also does anyone know any hardy plants that can sustain a bit of wear and tear from a large fish?   
  25. S

    Joined Today ... I Have Many Questions.

    Hello, I just made an account today, but I've been coming here to look at people's advice for a while now... I have a lot of questions:   1.) Is there an age requirement to have an account? 2.) I tried to change my picture using the Gravatar choice, but it would not update... Is this because my...
  26. L

    Starting New 20 Gallon Long, Need Questions Answered.

    Hello, my name is Liam and I am semi experienced in the fish tank world, as I have a healthy 10 gallon tank with Dwarf Gouramis and White Mountain Minnows. That is a very basic tank that has fake plants and gravel substrate, but I am planning on making a 20 Gallon Long planted tank in the...
  27. L

    Questions Before Getting My First Betta?

    Hi, everybody! I'm new here on this forum and to fishkeeping. I've been doing some research into betta fish and having been seriously considering getting one. I just want to be prepared and know some more before I go through with the process.   I have a 40 gallon tank (it measures 36L by 18W by...
  28. P

    Just Need Some Advice...

    Okay so i am new here, created an account so i could get some insight on something my fish has been doing for a couple days now. I have 2 Mollies, and 4 Neon Tetras in a 29 gallon tank, its been cycled for 6 months and i have had no major issues with it. I started out with the Tetras since they...
  29. R

    What Kind Of Fish Are These?

    Hi there! I bought these fish from a store near me, and they are very cool looking. However, nobody at the store even knew what they were called. Hopefully somebody here can help me :) I can post more pictures upon request. I am not referring to the silver finned tetras. The other guys with a...
  30. mrstwalker

    I Want African Dwarf Frogs

    So, I really love the African Dwarf Frogs in my local pet store. I am considering getting some so I have a few questions:   Do they need a filtered tank/moving water? Do they do well with peaceful fish (platy/corydora) ? What do they eat? Do they ever need to come out of the water?    And any...
  31. mrstwalker

    Platy Questions

    I have always had Platys, however never knew much about the hobby. My platys have always been happy and healthy, but I want to get more serious about the hobby because I want to start breeding/selling.   10 gallon tank   First:  What should the pH be for platys. (Please no super technical terms...
  32. R

    How Much To Feed?

    So I have a tank with two not-yet-full-grown angelfish, a goldfish, 6 neon tetras, a bottom feeder and a snail. How much should I be feeding them everyday? I'm just not sure. 
  33. G

    Questions About Rosy Reds And Bettas

    Hi guys and girls. im just starting this topic on information on rosy reds and bettas. i recently gave my old 5 gallon tank to my 10 year old brother and he has a really cool red betta named Cosmo, and 3 rosy reds (2 white ones and 1 orange one), and we just wanted some advice on the two kinds...
  34. G

    Questions About Rosy Reds And Bettas

    Hi guys and girls. im just starting this topic on information on rosy reds and bettas. i recently gave my old 5 gallon tank to my 10 year old brother and he has a really cool red betta named Cosmo, and 3 rosy reds (2 white ones and 1 orange one), and we just wanted some advice on the two kinds...
  35. daffodille

    Newbie To Aquariums: Am I Missing Anything?

    Hey everyone! Get ready for a wall of text and a fair few questions.     I am in my final year of college, and keeping a fish as a pet is kind of a tradition here. So last January, armed with good intentions and very little knowledge, I picked up a little red betta I named Jarvis. For the last...
  36. Vibora

    First Tank! Corydoras Species Id And General Questions

    Hello, while I do know a bit about fish thanks to growing up surrounded by fish tanks, I've never had my own. I've fed my parent's tank and often discuss the fish with them. So I do understand compatibility, water quality, temperature, various diseases etcetera. My mother has always told me that...
  37. FurFinFeathers

    Tank Upgrade Advice?

    Hey everyone so at the moment I have a 10 gallon tropical fish tank and I want to upgrade to a 20 gallon but I don't want to restart the ammonia cycle is there away to do that? Please respond.
  38. TallTree01

    Honey Gouramis

    after I rehomed my pearl gourami from my biorb 105, ( 105 liters/ 28 gallon ) I began the hunt for a new centerpiece type fish. My pearl gourami was a stunner so I was looking for another gourami type fish. Many people suggested honey gouramis. I googled and didn't find much info. I have several...
  39. 3

    Shipping A Angelfish Pair?

    Ok, I don't know if I can put this here but if I can't just delete it. How do you ship a angelfish pair? In one bag? In two bags? I just can't figure this one out. Help?
  40. kristynkarma

    Thinking About Getting Bettas

    I've currently got a 10g tank and I've been thinking about getting a couple bettas once the fish I have now pass on. I want two males because they tend to be more showy and because I'm not looking to breed bettas (which would inevitably happen if I had both males and females). Obviously I'd need...