
  1. S

    Stocking questions for my first fully planned out tank

    I've been keeping tropical fish for a few months now (almost a year if you count my late rescue betta Snowcone). I currently only have a heavily planted 10 gallon freshwater tank with 6 Ruby Tetras, 3 Otos, a Mystery Snail and some Neocardinia shrimp. This tank is going well and I am just...
  2. E

    Community Rainbow tank (Pseudomugil and Others)

    Hi guys, has anyone had any experience with having a community tank of mixed rainbow species? i have a 55 gallon which I want to have the following: either pseudomugil furcata or Pseudomugil luminatus irian reds turqoise rainbows dwarf neons Boosemanis adolfoi cory bronzs cory maybe a trio of...