
  1. Quin

    From then to now!

    Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I last made a post here. I've checked in once in a blue moon, but I had neither the stories to tell nor the experience to contribute, so I've been pretty quiet ever since I learned how to stop panicking and hovering over Hank lmao. Anyways, a little...
  2. Quin

    Tank progress

    I'm going to record the progress of the set up of my new 10 gallon tank here, feel free to tune in! I didn't have a 5 gallon bucket, but I did have a new unused trash can that I wiped down. It took me 5 trips but my tank is now full of crystal clear water! It's already much brighter than the...
  3. AshleyNZ

    My Cichlid Adventure - 52G/220L Journal

    Have been inactive for a long while now, but I have returned from the grave.  After a few months of having my tank set up as a tropical community, completed with green-colored silica sand from a pesky algae, and nasty looking plants, I have decided that this is not the setup ideal for me!  ...