problem solving

  1. S

    Green Terror Cichlid Mouth Issue

    I’ve noticed that my green terror cichlid has had his mouth open for awhile and hasn’t been able to close it. Occasionally it has been breathing slightly heavy but not all the time. It also sits on its nest outside of the pot all day and won’t move unless it’s provoked or if it’s feeding time...
  2. S

    The best brand for fungus medicine that won’t kill my elephant snails???

    My fish recently had a bit of a stress with a water change after I left my tank a little too long before cleaning. My water is perfect but I think it stressed them out a bit. One of my endler guppies appears to have tail rot from what I can determine and a couple of my glow light tetras have a...
  3. S

    What's wrong with my fish and what should I do?

    I have an 85l tank with approx. 9 guppies, 8 platies and a handful of tetras. I bought a platy last Sunday and as soon as it got into my tank, it went down to the bottom. I thought it was just heading to the plants for cover in an unfamiliar environment, but over the next few days, I noticed...
  4. S

    Help With Angelfish Situation

    Hello All! Okay so here is the situation. I wanted 2 angelfish for my 38 gallon bowfront. But I found a great deal on 3 veil tails and when shipped to me, they generously gave me 5 total. right now the average size of them is quarter size and I just got them yesterday. The only other...