
  1. Linkandnavi

    Positioning an Internal Power Filter Horizontally

    Evening all, Does anyone know whether there would be any issue with positioning an internal power filter horizontally? I cannot in theory think of why it would be an issue. A filter such as the Aquael Mini Pat. A small pump pulls water through a sponge, which then passes through a small...
  2. Sege

    Quiet Filter Possibly?

    Hi. :DSo I just got a new filter, and I set it up and everything. It runs just how it's supposed to. I just want to make it quieter. I have my tank under my loft bed, and so I sleep right on top of the noise. It's not really the grumbling sounds that the filter makes as the mechanics run to pump...
  3. H

    Filter Help!

    HI,   Okay so to begin I am having my Electric Meter replaced at home, as it was running 400% faster than it should for the last 2 years! (Yes I get all the money back that I've paid, A pair of new louboutins for me I think!)   Anyway when the engineer comes to replace it, presumable the...