
  1. ember04

    Common or comet goldfish in pond, how many?

    Hi there as you may of see from a few other threads of mine, I am starting a 140 gallon 525-litre pond with the dimensions of 150 wide, 70 deep and 50 heigh (cm) this pond will be insulated and heated over winter I am going to get a few common or commit goldfish (not together) my question is how...
  2. ember04

    patio pond stocking

    Hi everyone any pond people here I am setting up a 68-gallon patio pond, I was wondering what people think I should stock it with. I live in a cold climate and in winter it can get down to 0 degrees celsius. I am going to add a pond heater and a pond filter. I will also add some pond plants...
  3. G

    What Fish Can I Put In This Mini Pond?

    Hey everyone! I have an Argentine Black and White Tegu (Monitor Lizard) and there is a "mini pond," so to speak, in his enclosure with a waterfall. He only drinks out of it and doesn't go in it. Therefore, it is more so for show than for him using it for swimming. The tub that is being used for...