
  1. B

    Head-and-Tail-Tetra Behavior: Circling

    Hello all, I have a few questions about head-and-tail-light tetra behavior. I used to have 3 of these tetras in my planted 10 gallon glass aquarium with intentions to get more once I transfer them into my 30 gallon that I have not yet started to cycle... there are only 2 left- the two bigger...
  2. X

    Are my catfish fighting or playing??

    Hey guys, im pretty new to the hobby and I have a question about two of my catfish, one is a spotted Raphael catfish and one is a stripped. They live in a 10 gallon with 6 other guppies, i had them for about a month and plan on upgrading tanks in less than 2 weeks. I noticed when i turn off the...
  3. Jan Cavalieri

    Do fish play?

    I'm asking the question "Do Fish Play?" This is meant to be a rather philosophical discussion. I assume everybody agrees that dogs play - or are they just pleasing their master - how do you tell especially on a simple species such as fish. Look at it from a practical perspective, an...
  4. Vengified

    Guppies, unsure of behavior and sex?

    I'll put a little background first, as I am sure it would be asked: Recently, on Valentine' Day, my wife and I bought two Guppies (labeled as Cobra Guppies in the store), and a cherry shrimp for a small 3.5 gallon tank for my 4 year old, to see if he would like fish. We had the tank hidden...
  5. nortonmad213

    Should You "flare" Your Betta?

    hi all :) so as the title reads basically, i have seen posts on various pages saying that there are both mental and physical benefits to flaring your betta as it makes them happy that they scared away the intruder or something like that (sorry was tired when i was reading it) so i just wanted to...