
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. E

    Are these female platys?

    Hi, can someone confirm if these are female platys? I think they are going by what I’ve googled. My son got them about a week ago with his start up tank. My apologies if the images aren’t so clear.
  2. D

    How many fish for my tank?

    Hey guys, I’ve tried to look online, and I’m getting a lot of contradicting advice, considering the variables depending on the fish I’m interested in. I have a 180-litre tank but only have 160 litres of water. I have a 200 Eheim pick-up filter and 200-watt heater to make up for heat loss...
  3. April_ht

    How many platys in 70 litres (18 US Gallons)?

    I’ve recently gotten a new 70 litre tank which has been cycled and fish were added in earlier today. I’ve got 9 platy fish, ranging from 1.5-2 inches, 5 males and 4 females and 2 small sucking catfish. I know the male to female ratio is off and I’m planning on getting rid of 3+ males soon, and I...
  4. Lgoldman

    How can I add more fish without overstocking?

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 mollies, 3 platys, a BN pleco, and nerite snails. I usually siphon the tank every week and my filter is the one that came with a tank. (Its either Tetra or Aqueon). Recently I found fry in my tank. There were only two left by the time I found them, but I moved...
  5. Lgoldman

    Questions about Molly/platy fry

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon tank with three mollies, three platys, a BN pleco, and nerite snails. Yesterday I noticed fry in the tank. I’m not sure how old they are, but there were only a few left by the time I saw them. I was going to leave them in the tank but I felt bad and ended up moving the two...
  6. Lgoldman

    Nerite snails had babies in freshwater

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon tank with mollies, platys, a albino bristle nose pleco, and two nerite snails. Today I came home to both fish fry (I’m not sure if they are mollies or platys, and I am not removing them because I do not care if they survive), and at least one baby snail. I’m not surprised...
  7. C

    Is my platy pregnant? If so when is she due?

    Hello everyone! I bought 3 female platys last Sunday as I did not want any fry and after noticing one of my females looking larger than the other two and noticing a black part in her belly, I investigated what it could be and I am assuming that she became pregnant before purchase. If anyone...
  8. M

    8 Platys for New Home

    I purchased two platys 3 months ago however they have had 6 baby fish and I don’t have the room in my tank. Would like to give them all away together. 2x adults 3x Young fry’s 3x very little fry’s just born All very healthy and happy little fish. Happy to socially distanced give away for £10 for...
  9. B

    Stocking my tank

    Hi guys, I just wanted to see if anyone had issues about how I want to stock my tank, and any way to resolve them. I am getting a 34L tank (almost 8 gallons I think), and am hoping to put in about 5 cherry barbs and a few platys, in that order. I think I would rather have the platys but please...
  10. Ingrid


    Can you keep siamese fighting fish with platys?
  11. Ingrid

    Advice wanted!

    Hi we are thinking of going on holiday in a few weeks and so we are wondering whether it would be all right to leave the fish for a week and what should we do before we leave so they survive. We at the moment have 6 platys. All advice is welcome thanks
  12. Ingrid

    Platys and guppies

    Can you keep platys and guppies in the same tank?
  13. E

    Platy possibly dying! Help

    Hello, I recently starting a planted 10g tank. Its been going for about 3 months, 2 of which containing fish. I first added 4 mollies, then about 2.5 weeks ago, I added 1 molly and 3 platys. Within the last 24 hours, I noticed one of he platys (the only male) was not eating, no matter how much...
  14. S

    Help! My platys are paralyzed and sink!

    So I recently got 12 fry from a friend and they are about 2 months old, varying in size. I have 4 of the tiniest ones in a 5 gallon, the rest in a 20 gallon. About 3 days ago I noticed a few were missing and couldn't see them. I thought they were just hiding but then today I noticed some just...
  15. L

    Very Soft Water with Platys?

    Hi, I’m new here. I currently have two Cory Cats, and I just got two Platys. However, I’m worried about my Platies. My water is considered very soft, and I’ve heard that Platies like hard water. I don’t know what to do, since my 10 gallon tank that has the fish in it is already filled with my...
  16. Kerryjoy


    hello I have got 1 male platy and 4 female platys. The male is happy with 3 of the females, but chases and bullies one of the females, she can’t even swim around anymore and stays on top of the filter out of the way Only coming out to eat until she is chased off! I had 3 female platys, but I...
  17. tgwthf

    stocking my 55 gallon freshwater aquarium, thoughts?

    Hello everyone! I'm nowhere near close to setting up the tank, stand is still being built and needs to be cleaned out of all the sand and stuff, but i'm in the process of trying to find some fish i can put in there, will be keeping it around the 24C temperature mark. so far i'm thinking of...
  18. A

    Is my platy pregnant?

    I just got 8 mickey mouse platys from somebody who had so many and they are with my mickey mouse molly now. I got one that was pretty little and looked juvenile or too young, but she looks pregnant. New to platys. Help me thanks.
  19. Qwooks

    New 110l Tank.. stocking level suggestions.

    Hi All, I am fairly new to keeping fish. Previously had goldfish in a 40l tank after really poor pet shop advice.... have rehomed them to someone with a 350l tank so am now going to upgrade mine to 110l. (80cm x 50cm high x 35cm) Once it is cycled I would like a mix of guppies, neon tetras...
  20. JadeLouiseSouthgate

    Help Please What's Wrong With My Male Platy

    I have been noticing that my male platy is behaving strange I think he is a platy he spends most of the days on the bottom of the tank
  21. H

    3 Male Platys - What Next?

    Hi All,   Our family has a new tank, which has been fish-less cycled (thanks to the info on this site) and has been home to 3 male platys for the last week now.   We've tested the water parameters and the filter is coping fine with its current stock of fish - ammonia & nitrites both 0.   My...
  22. ThePlatyPerson

    Pregnant Male Platy? Someone Please Help!

    Hi Guys,   New to this whole forum thing so bear with me, A few months a go i bought a platy from a pet store and the lady told me it was a girl. I put it in my tank with my other platys for breeding and noticed that it was fighting with the other male, so i assumed that the lady was wrong and...
  23. P

    Are My Mollies And Platys Pregnant?

    i'm not a beginner but i'm definitely not advanced yet, but i'm really excited cuz i'm pretty sure these 2 fish are both pregnant =D, i have 2 pics of my molly (sold to me as a golden panda lyre tail molly, can anyone tell me if that's right based on the pictures cuz she's ALOT more black than...
  24. L

    Livebearing Tank And All My Issues.

    To start, my name is Melissa.  I live in Iowa, USA.  I have lots of tanks over the years, my first was when I was 16 and it was a 20 gallon eclipse form Petsmart.  My sister bought it for my as a birthday gift.  For this tank, she bought me 2 black moors and I loved them. I went on spring break...
  25. S

    Gray Plattys Pregnant

    Hey Everyone,  I am new in this hobby, but I am very excited with it( I actually talk to my fish in the morning, and they know when I  am gonna feed them). Anyways, I have a tank with 1 Big Angel Fish , 7 tetras, and 3 Playes. My platys don't last too long except for a silver female that I call...
  26. B

    Platy Fry - Need Some Tips!

    Hey guys I'm new to TFF but I am an ok (somewhat experienced) fish owner. I don't seem to have any real problems, I am just in need of some tips! So I have 6 platys in a divided tank (15 gallons), two females and one male on each side, with a betta on each side as well (hence the divided...
  27. F

    Breeding Platys

    Hi All, I am quite new to fish keeping, only been doing it for about a year. I have had my platys now for about 5 months and I have noticed that definitely one, maybe two are rounder in the belly. At first I thought they had just eaten more than normal, but they aren't getting smaller, so now...
  28. F

    Platy Is Pregnant Move To Cory Tank?

    I have a pregnant wag tail platy about a week into the pregnancy. I have 3 tanks available to move her to and and let fry develop in. options are as follow 10g: platy tank/betta tank 4 bettas (3 female 1 male) 4platys (3 female 1 male) 1 bristlenose pleco 2 synodontus catfish a male and female...
  29. N

    Pregnant Platys?

    Are my platys pregnant?????  
  30. SarahMarie

    Inactive Female Platys

    I got 2 female platys to go with my 2 males that I already have. I got them 2 days ago, I'm going to get 2 more females for the 2 makes but I didn't want to put 4 new females in case it overloaded the filter too quickly. Anyway, the males are very active but the 2 new females just hide under...
  31. SarahMarie

    What Fish Can Go In A 64 Litre Tank?

    I only have 2 platys in my tank at the moment and I'm wondering what other fish I would be able to put in without them fighting or overstocking the tank. I have a 64 litre tank, which I know is quite small but would still like to add a few extra fish. Any help would be great! Thanks
  32. SarahMarie

    Cycling Tank

    So I got a new tank a few weeks ago and was advised to have 2 platys in order to cycle the tank, but I'm not entirely sure how many water changes I should be doing per week whilst its cycling, and how long it will take to complete it's cycle. I have a 64 litre tank and 1 male + 1 female in at...
  33. K

    4 Week Old Baby Platys

    Hi, I have 4 week old baby platys and was wondering when they should start colouring up? They are growing but slowly. I've just bought a banana worm culture and I'm hoping these help them bulk up a bit. Thanks in advance.
  34. K

    Hi Everyone

    Hi, I'm Kirstie and I've been keeping fish for about 3 years. I have recently upgraded my tank to a 110 litre one and added bogwood as I've always wanted a bristlenose. I currently have 3 danios (2 zebra and 1 pearl), 2 corydoras sterbai, 2 female platys and 6 baby platys. I'm sure I'll have...
  35. H

    Advice Please Regarding Tropical Tank

     advice please! have a 3ft tank which has only platys and guppies in it, recently added 3 (2 standard, 1 dwarf) gourami as was told these would be good community fish, however the largest of the 3 became very aggressive attacking all the other fish (unfortunately killing 2 in one night) i have...
  36. T

    Is My Platy Pregnent?

    Hey guys. Sorry picture isn't great. Just wondering is my plath is pregnant. She seena to be getting bigger and she she seems to have a white bitvaround her anal fin. Any help will be great :)
  37. Mamashack

    Listless Adult Platys With Clear Poo

    Hi there am brand new to this site - have posted on an existing thread but the last post was November '12 so am starting a new one! Have 2 adult platys 1 male 1 female. Had them 6 months - they were about 3/4 grown when I got them. Started producing fry last month, got 1 fry about 5 weeks old...