platy fish

  1. G

    Platy Mystery Bump (pls help I got square brain)

    Hello, I’m new to TFF, which I’ve been relying on for some problems I’ve had in the past. I’m sorry to say that I come with a problem that I desperately need an answer to, I’ve been freaking out!! I’m still new to this hobby, so please have mercy. Just yesterday morning I came home to find my...
  2. E

    Are these female platys?

    Hi, can someone confirm if these are female platys? I think they are going by what I’ve googled. My son got them about a week ago with his start up tank. My apologies if the images aren’t so clear.
  3. Avengertank

    Platys pregnant

    Hello, new here. I have a pregnant Platy whos Gravis has tripled in size. As per photo, how long until she gives birth would you estimate? I don't want to miss the birth and not be anle to save the fry which I intend to take to my local aquarium. Thanks
  4. S

    Platy top fin frayed?

    Hey, I've noticed the top fin of one of my platies has changed in the past week or so.It looks frayed/splayed out, almost as if you've taken a few threads from a woven material if you get what I mean! I have attached a pic of anyone could help me understand the change, thanks ☺️
  5. V

    Could this have killed my platy?

    There were two adult males, one female adult, and a lot of babies in the tank. I meant to get more females than males, but the store gave me another male. Today I found one of the males dead. Could a male platy kill another male over a female? I don't think I saw any signs of injury on the dead...
  6. A

    Pregnant platys???

    Hi there quite new to this! I took these platies on from a friends who moved away, they are just a portion of the fish she had the others went to a relative. I just wondered if anyone could tell me if they are pregnant or not I tried my best the get photos. I’ve done a bit of research but can’t...
  7. E

    Help with Male Platy Fish

    I'm a new platy owner (and fish owner in general), and I want to make sure my platies won't kill each other. My roommate and I just got two platies to keep us company in our college dorm room, and we didn't notice that they were both male until after we had gotten the tank set up. They're in a 5...
  8. BettaLife24

    New Platy Fish

    These are the only pictures of both my females that I could get. I would like to know: 1) What kind of platies are they? 2) Are either of them pregnant? 3) Do they look ill? 4) What can I do to make the tank better for them? I have 3 real plants, as well as a fake one, and gravel in a 10...
  9. carligraceee

    My momma platy died giving birth..

    Hello guys! Recently, one of my momma platy has been consistently pregnant. She gave birth to two babies and I have been raising them for several weeks. Yesterday evening, she started showing signs of bloating/swim bladder malfunction. Because of this, I put her in a small bowl full of the tank...
  10. C

    Fish Deaths

    I had a molly and a platy in the same tank as a danio and a guppy. But today, I noticed both my molly and platy were dead. The guppy and danio are doing wonderfully, so I don't understand. All the fish got along great too. I've never had 2 fish die in the same day, and especially not at the same...
  11. J

    One Platy nipping others - advice needed!

    Yesterday I bought 3 new Platys to join my one existing Platy in a 34 litre tank (all female). They seemed to get on fine for the first few hours, swimming together etc, but now one of the newbies is nipping at two of the other Platy. Interestingly, it is not nipping at the Platy that I think is...
  12. carligraceee

    All my platy fry dying the same way except one??? Is it me? Or is it the circle of life??

    Hey guys! If you see my other posts, you will see I have some platy fry. They are almost a month old and were growing like crazy! All of a sudden, two of them started thinning out in the tail area and having trouble swimming and coming up to eat. Then they died the next day. It didn't happen...
  13. carligraceee

    Oh what to do with all these fry.

    My platy gave birth close to a month ago and I have been raising them. I wish I could upgrade to a 29g now but I just don't have the space right now. I want to keep one of the girls, my friend might take three, and then I would re-home the rest (I have 9 now). Can I sell them somewhere? Or do I...