platy babies

  1. Avengertank

    Platys pregnant

    Hello, new here. I have a pregnant Platy whos Gravis has tripled in size. As per photo, how long until she gives birth would you estimate? I don't want to miss the birth and not be anle to save the fry which I intend to take to my local aquarium. Thanks
  2. G

    Platy pregnant HELP 1 of 3

    Hi is my platy pregnant? I have 3 platys, 2 that look pretty identical, so I’ll post them separately. Here is one of three. If so, how many more weeks or days should I expect? Fish #1
  3. V

    Close call story with fry

    I was doing a water change when I noticed one of my platy fry in the bucket. I had already dumped out most of the water. I probably didn't notice him at first because water isn't the only thing that gets sucked out (Gunk, fish poop, my sand if I'm not careful). Since the bucket was nearly empty...
  4. L

    Plants to help hide Platys Fry?

    Can anyone recommend some growing plants that would be good for Platys Babies to hide in? I was using fake Grass but have switched over to live plants. I have 3 pregnant females in 1- 40 gallon tank and 3 in another. I don't separate them as it seems to stress them out and they don't give birth...
  5. V

    Breeder net fail??

    So, I had several babies that were living in a breeder net for a couple weeks. Today after I had added a new fish, there's only one baby left in the net. Meaning the rest either escaped or died. But I didn't think they were small enough to fit through the holes for that to happen. I don't...
  6. A

    Pregnant platys???

    Hi there quite new to this! I took these platies on from a friends who moved away, they are just a portion of the fish she had the others went to a relative. I just wondered if anyone could tell me if they are pregnant or not I tried my best the get photos. I’ve done a bit of research but can’t...
  7. foxgirl158

    What should I feed my 2 day old platy fry?

    My new platies recently gave birth to fry. One batch was premature, but they seem to be doing fine with the exception of a couple that have died. The other batch had a couple odd balls, with a conjoined pair and a deformed one, but most of them are still alive. Thing is, they won't eat the...
  8. R

    Why isn't my platy giving birth?

    Hi there, First time having a pregnant platy. She has been pregnant over a month and a half, it's becoming an on going joke of when she's going to give birth! Tested waters and it's fine other than the Ph maybe being a little low on 6.5, could that be it? She's in her own tank now 30L
  9. carligraceee


    PLEASE ANSWER QUICK- is my platy ready to give birth? i had her in a breeder but she seemed really stressed so i let her back out. she’s active but the male follows her around and pokes at her butt. PLEASE ANSWER! i want to save as many babies as possible! she also had a white pimple thing on...
  10. S

    Platy baby having trouble swimming

    So one of my platies gave birth and i have 4 little platy fry chillin out and im really worried because there is one of them has to strain really hard to swim and when it can it just rests on the ground or plants All the others are doing just fine
  11. S

    Is it ok to keep my platy fry in a 1 gal tank

    One of my platies gave birth and i didnt want the fry to get eaten so i put them in a 1 gal tank with a filter and a lot of plants
  12. carligraceee

    Pea puffers with mollies???

    Hey all! PSA: If you follow my threads you know I have a water issue right now so know I am NOT getting new fish until this gets sorted out. However, for when I can introduce new fish to my tank, I want to know which would go well with my remaining two mollies and a platy. I looked up Pea...
  13. carligraceee

    Bent spine in my Platy fry :( (that rhymes, it was unintentional)

    Hey guys! So I have been raising three baby platys for awhile now. I think they reached a month old a couple days ago. However, one died a day ago and when I looked closely at his body to find anything abnormal, I saw he had taken on a sort of krill shape (almost like a boomerang). I then looked...
  14. S

    Is my Platy pregnant? NEWBIE

    So I’m a very new newbie! Had my 64L tank for a few weeks - I started with 2 platy and some cloud mountain minnows. I got 2 more platy at the weekend and one is really quite podgy. I chose 2 females so now my platy tank ratio is 3 females to 1 male. But she arrived like this- so she’s really...
  15. S

    Lazy or labor?

    My pregnant platy is just sitting there doing nothing.. Just sitting unless i get too close Is she getting ready for labour?
  16. S

    Platys might be pregnant

    I think my platys might be pregnant if so how soon are they due. Im new to this and i would really love some help I did my best with the pics and Thier gravid spots look alot bigger in person
  17. J

    Pregnant Platy- Need Advice

    So, I have a pregnant Platy and i’ve separated her into a tank which is quite big so she can give birth. But I don’t know how long that could take, she has a swollen belly and I’m pretty sure the dark spot on either side near her anal fin. But the \__/ shape hasn’t appeared yet I don’t think...
  18. B

    Please help! Platy will not give birth!

    Hello, I have had this mickey mouse platy for over a month and I bought her pregnant from the pet store (unbeknownst to me at the time). My roommate and I REALLY noticed how pregnant she looked Monday of last week. We have since went out and bought another 10 gallon tank to keep her in until...
  19. tydgie

    how can I tell my platy will give birth? please help

    I've had my 4 platys for about 5 months now, 2 females and 2 males I realised. one of my platys seems to be pregnant but has been "pregnant" for a while now, 2 months atleast (when I know should be a few weeks) . how will I know she is about to give birth specifically? her black mark and her...
  20. B

    Multiple Colored Platy Fry from 1 Mom?

    Hey all! So our Golden Mickey Mouse Platy had fry. I managed to save a little under 30 of them. We have orange mickeys and yellow mickeys. BUT in her little bunch most are yellow and orange but there’s 7-8 grey ones. Is that common? For them to have random colors? The babies are 16 days old and...
  21. B

    Dying fish - we're new to aquariums!

    Hi Everyone! Hoping someone can help. Long story... We have a 5 week old 20 gallon tank. This is our second tank...three months ago we started out with a 10 gallon. We had 3 platys and 2 guppies, and one of the platys had babies. 4 survived. We had one platy that seemed sick for several weeks -...
  22. Chelipe831

    2 new platy fish wondering there gender ?

    Hello recently purchased a couple new fish for my aquarium was wondering if anyone can help me identify the gender of the fish? (photo below)
  23. LiizFish

    Platy fry is not growing

    Hello, I have a single platy fry in my 10 gallon tank with one mystery snail and a bladder snail. She's been in this tank a little over a week and was born on February 27. We moved her to my tank from our 36 gallon tank because we feared she might get eaten. Since the move, she doesn't seem to...
  24. LiizFish

    Platy fry not growing

    Hello, I have a single platy fry in my 10 gallon tank with one mystery snail and a bladder snail. She's been in this tank a little over a week and was born on February 27. We moved her to my tank from our 36 gallon tank because we feared she might get eaten. Since the move, she doesn't seem to...
  25. C

    Platy fry turned purple!?

    hey guys i know nothing on fry but 1 of my Mickey mouse fry (3 days old) is suddenly a bluey/purple!? all the others are normal colour. is eating and swimming fine but what's happening to it
  26. P

    Adding new fish to my tank

    my 30 gallon experienced a horrible Ich outbreak last week that killed my two adult platy, a "teen" platy and my two gourami. Now all I have left is a "teen" platy and two 1 month old platy. UNTIL I realized tonight that there are 6 brand new fry that I believe the teen had. With that being...
  27. glasgowgirl786

    When Will My Platy Give Birth?

    Just wondering if anyone could tell me roughly when my platy will give birth? I want to put her in a breeding box to save her fry but dont want to put her in too early and stress her out! I've attached some pictures of her,thanks!