
  1. Stefan3289

    Beta community tank ideas?

    i currently have two platies, a white dragon beta, and two cories in my 10 gallon tank and I just got a 29 gallon tank. I know I can mix mollies, platies, and cories with the beta but is there anything else someone knows could work or has had success with? If not I will make a platy and molly...
  2. I

    Is my platy pregnant and can anyone estimate when she may give birth if so

    Hi guys, I’m relatively new and I’ve recently bought a new platy. She seems to be getting bigger by the day and I’m not really sure what to do or if she’s fat or pregnant?
  3. A

    Why arent my platy breeding????

    I have a 55 gallon tank with 3 male, 5 female platies. The tank is filtered kept at 82 and cycled. I also have tetras. No crustaceans or any live plants. I have had the platies for about a month now, and they show no signs of pregnancy. Am I doing something wrong??? Also, 2 of my male platies...
  4. A


    So a week ago I bought a female platy. When I bought it it seemed fine, however, it started acting strange and getting really thin. Now, the spine on the fish is bent and it looks in BAD condition. Is this contagious(should I remove the fish asap)? Do I have to put down this fish? Thank you so...
  5. A

    Question about female platy

    Recently, I bought a female platy and 3 male platys from a local store(I meant to buy 2 male 2 female but the guy sold me a "female" that was actually a dude). I brought them home, on the intention of breeding them. The female, however, is much longer and thinner than the males, and is not...
  6. K

    Confirmation on Fish Compatibility

    Hello, I am very new to the hobby, and I've been researching avidly while in the process of cycling my tank. I have a 35 gal, and very much fell in love with Honey Gourami. I am torn on tank mates, as I was recommended platy and ember or black neon tetra. So my thoughts were: 2 honey Gourami 4...