planted tank cycling

  1. M

    New planted tank light question

    So I had these lights from when I had a reef tank (Ocean Revive Arctic T247). Currently been running 2 weeks with 1 dwarf black ram my friend had to get rid of. I'm starting to get a redish brown algae on some of the plants and rocks. Had the lights set at 25% white 15% blue for 8hrs for the...
  2. carligraceee

    36g Stocking, Plants, Cycling

    Hey guys! I have created a thread similar to this but now my tank is getting closer. I have decided it was my obligation to save for a tank before I save for a car, especially since my mom is willing to pay for my car (I just wanted to help out haha). So here are some questions I have! Cycling...
  3. B

    Roma 240 - Its Day 2 for me... Water Change? or keep adding bacteria?

    I have put in my tank (water, hardscape and plants) Day 1 - added Microbe-Lift NITE OUT 2 starter bacteria. 10ml Day 2 - added Microbe-Lift NITE OUT 2 starter bacteria. 10ml Day 3 WILL ADD - added Microbe-Lift NITE OUT 2 starter bacteria. 10ml Lights have been on full power for 6 hours a day...
  4. MajorTom

    Copepods during cycling, 90% water change!???

    Hi, My fishless cycle is hopefully nearly done. I got zero ammonia and nitrites yesterday, RE-dosed, the ammonia went back to zero but not the nitrites. I'll keep RE-dosing and testing until i get there! The tank is planted and has developed a big (and really interesting!) population of...
  5. S

    A Strange Predicament!

    Hi all.   I find myself in a strange predicament!   After waiting for a month to be able to buy some plants for my tank, it completely slipped my mind that the wood I had in the tank would dry out. I have planted my plants and as I started to finish filling the tank, in between bucket fulls I...