plant help

  1. W

    Java moss dying at bottom layer and detaching

    Hi everyone. I have a piece of driftwood that was naturally covered in java moss for about 6 months. Id occasionally trim it down, and it was all firmly attached to the wood. All of the sudden recently, ive noticed the bottom layer died all at once so the healthy moss is just detached like a...
  2. Ellie Potts

    Fertilizers? Substrate? Help needed for a planted tank

    It's been a long time since I've had a fish tank with live plants, and I'd really like this next one to be planted. The tank will have 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 killifish, 10 neon tetra, 2 african dwarf frogs, and maybe some cherry shrimp. pH will be around 7 and temp will be about 77 degrees F. I'm...