
  1. T

    Please help me identify this fish

    I recently got these fish being told they are silver dollars I have asked around and had so many different answers (pacu, red belly piranha and silver dollar) any idea I can’t put them in my tank if they are pacu or piranha
  2. S

    Red-bellied Piranhas

    Hello, Wanting some advice on keeping these fish! How big a tank would you recommend? Looking at a minimum of 120l .. online advice seems to be conflicting!! Have read up around them quite a lot, however any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you
  3. Goldenburd

    1 red belly piranha in an un cycled tank

    Hi i have a red belle piranha and 2 feeder guppies and two snails in the tank with him but the tank there inis un cycled but his old tank is. but theres like 20 breeding guppies in it do i move him back or just let him go also will there be anylomg term problems?
  4. C

    Are These Piranha Eggs?

    Recently my tropical "Cory" fish had been laying eggs on the glass of my tank but as I looked at the tank for more I noticed a different type of egg on the stones. The Cory was laying multiple eggs but the other eggs are single clear eggs, we have piranhas in the same tank as the Cory fish and...