peppered corydora

  1. danajs

    Tiger Barb has a red belly?

    Does anyone know what this red patch on my Tiger Barb’s belly could be? (He/she isn’t usually quite this pale - I couldn’t get a photo last night, so this was taken the moment I turned the light on this morning). I first noticed this last night, after not seeing this Barb for a day or so, but...
  2. CozyCat

    Breeding Peppers

    Hi, I have a group of 10 corydoras, 5 albino and 5 peppered. The albinos spawn after nearly every water change and I have lots of fry growing up in another tank. The peppers have never spawned, I can tell because the fry are albino. I think I have 2 female and 3 male peppers, one of the females...
  3. CozyCat

    Is my cory sick?

    Hi, new fish keeper here. I have a group of six peppered cories in a 12 gal planted aquarium with some guppy fry. Had three to begin with and recently added another three to the group. One of the new ones has a bent spine and is behaving a bit odd. He is very inactive, but can swim ok when he...
  4. K

    Fin health - peppered Cory cat

    Do the fins look healthy I have dosed with melafix and pimafix for the full treatment and performed the water changes and have not seen any major change in fins just curious I am fairly new to the hobby
  5. M

    i was just wondering if peppered corydoras could lay on java moss

    hi i was thinking about getting a peppered corydora and i have java moss on the bottom of the tank can peppered corydora lay on the java moss?
  6. Aoife_AJ

    Tank mate suggestions?

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this question, i'm not new to fish keeping, but I'm very new to keeping my own fish tank and species other than goldfish. My family has had goldfish for 15 years or thereabouts, so since I was 4, and currently we have a 13 year old and 3 year old goldfish...
  7. HoldenOn

    Hey all, I don't know if this is good or bad news. My friends tank was leaking, but he had a backup 20 long. This was a 29 gallon tank. He needed me to take care of 4 of his Peppered Corydoras. As you know my tank is relatively new and the plants have just started growing. I acclimated them for...
  8. S

    Floating Peppered Cory

    This is one of my peppered cory's he as about double the size as his pair. He spends most of daylight at the surface of the tank like this, however usually against the glass, and hidden further in the plants. He seems to be in a sleep state when i find him like this, and will not move what so...
  9. nofishinginmytank


    Well wanting to sort out my fish tank situation I went to the lfs today after finishing my shift at work :) I decided to sort everything out, so I contacted advertiser I had seen on preloved about the fish tank I had been looking at all week. It's a 300L Juwel Rio 300 Black Aquarium, it's...
  10. FurFinFeathers

    Grieving Cory?

    My peppered corydora recently lost his best buddy  It seems like he's grieving, they were very very close. He won't eat much and generally stays to one corner, but he seems very healthy. I plan to get another cory to keep him company, but is there anything else I can do to make him feel better?