
  1. GothFishKeeper

    My fish just got fed A LOT of peas

    Okay so I originally thought my platy was pregnant, but it’s been well over a month since she’s been so big so I’m pretty sure she has bloat. I heard that feeding fish peas would help bloat, so I thawed a handful of frozen peas in water and dropped a few in. Then I went out for a couple hours...
  2. Jan Cavalieri

    Swim Bladder Disease STILL after 2 months HELP

    I posted this a few weeks ago - at that time my Powder blue Gourami had swim bladder disease for about a month and had quit eating. The disease would come and go, sometimes I could feed her "Pea soup" mixed with Miralax to get rid of any constipation. I used a needless syringe - she wasn't...
  3. Jan Cavalieri

    Bladder Disease - Is it time to Euthanize? But I don't want to!

    My powder blue dwarf gourami has had this for 4-5 weeks now. First and second time it was a distinct tilt and inability to swim straight, this time it's hanging vertically, with the head at the top. I can snap her out of it for a few minutes by repositioning her. She cab even straighten...
  4. AquariumFishRescue

    Even Fish Eat Brussel Sprouts !

    A little video clip from our YouTube channel of some of our fish that love to eat Brussel sprouts and garden peas.
  5. thrujenseyes

    eat your peas

    My little orange sunkist shrimp is very funny to watch as he never backs down when he wants something. Even when all of my endlers start to swarm, he stays put and gets his share. Is this normal behavior for a little shrimp? I only have one other shrimp (amano) and he'll spy what he wants...