Can pea puffers finish a snail (specifically pond snails)?
I would like to train my pea puffers to finish a whole snail before eating other snails, so it won't waste the snails. But wondering if it's even possible.
Hi all
Just joined up and looking forward to joining in.
I've had a community tank for about two years now without any major issues, and I've just started up a second tank specifically for pea puffers.
My job has changed a bit just recently and I'm going to have to start having short 3-4 day...
So, I have been alternating feeding my 3 pea puffers bloodwrorms and brineshrimp from frozen. Two days of feeding, one day fasting. I also toss in 10 to 12 pond snails every week.
I have been toying with the idea of starting live food cultures of vinegar eels, banana worms, and micro worms...
Hey all!
PSA: If you follow my threads you know I have a water issue right now so know I am NOT getting new fish until this gets sorted out.
However, for when I can introduce new fish to my tank, I want to know which would go well with my remaining two mollies and a platy.
I looked up Pea...