
  1. N

    Partially paralyzed fish?

    I've kept fish for 23 years and grew up with my parents having fish but I've never seen this before. One of my harlequin rasbora suddenly, over night with no warning, started swimming erratically and in circles, upsidedown. It's lost a lot of colour and seems to have a cut on its dorsal fin and...
  2. L

    Paralyzed platy

    I have this platy who seems to be paralyzed from his front fins back. He’s pretty old, I got him from my aunt because all her other fish died except him and a giant pleco. and she was out of town a lot and didn’t notice this guy was having issues (or even alive) so I took him with me. He can’t...
  3. S

    Help! My platys are paralyzed and sink!

    So I recently got 12 fry from a friend and they are about 2 months old, varying in size. I have 4 of the tiniest ones in a 5 gallon, the rest in a 20 gallon. About 3 days ago I noticed a few were missing and couldn't see them. I thought they were just hiding but then today I noticed some just...
  4. I

    Oto Cat Paralysis? Dying?

    Hello. I joined this forum to ask this question. Here's my current tank set-up: I have a 20 gallon tank with an under-gravel filtration system as well as a new power filter (rated for 20-30 gallon aquariums). I don't have a good water testing kit but the pH is pretty much 7.0, no detectable...